Voters implored to vote for Geingob

Home Special Focus Voters implored to vote for Geingob

OSHIKANGO – President Hifikepunye Pohamba has reiterated his call to all Namibians and Swapo members to vote for Swapo and its presidential candidate, Dr Hage Geingob, in the Presidential and National Assembly elections.

He appealed to all voters to vote Swapo so that the ruling party obtains at least 85 percent of the seats in the enlarged National Assembly with 96 seats.

He says through the 2014 campaigns Swapo will continue to spread the message of commitment to bring socio-economic development to all corners of the Namibia for the benefit of all citizens.

Pohamba described Geingob as a steadfast and tested Swapo party cadre with exceptional leadership attributes.

The Namibian leader was addressing a well attended Swapo regional rally held at Oshikango on Saturday, where he was accompanied by the Swapo Secretary General, Nangolo Mbumba and the Chairperson of Swapo National leaders assigned to Ohangwena Region, Erriki Nghimtina. Pohamba assured voters under Geingob the Namibian people will remain in good hands.

“We will continue with the implementation of our development programmes and policies, as outlined in the National Development Plans and the 2014 Swapo Party election manifesto,” he reiterated.

Pohamba says the Swapo led government will redouble efforts to implement working strategies.

Pohamba says the SWAPO Party government will ensure that resources are allocated to all people to have access to basic services.

The President says the Swapo Party stands firm, as it has always done, to lead the country towards achieving victory in the second phase of the struggle for genuine economic independence.

Pohamba noted that the increasing economic and business activities here in Helao Nafidi, Eenhana, Okongo and in Ohangwena whole, demonstrate that the investment policies and programmes are achieving desired goals of stimulating growth and development of our national economy.

“I am please to say that the public procurement system has been improved to facilitate inclusive economic empowerment of Namibian citizens, especially those from previously disadvantage segment of our population,” said Pohamba.

He said the government strategy is to encourage entrepreneurship and the creation of employment opportunities and funded the establishment of SME industrial parks across the country.

Facilities for open market vendors have also been constructed to support the development of the SME sector and thereby, create employment opportunities and wealth for the people.

“The land production programmme has been implemented through which farmers are provided with ploughing service, seeds and fertilizers in all crop growing regions including Ohangwena region,” Pohamba told the star rally.

He noted the government has initiated the registration of communal land rights of the people to ensure they are legally protected which is an ongoing process across the country.

Registered owners of communal land would be in a position to bequeath such land to their heirs.

Similarly this will protect widows from the land on which they have lived and worked hard for a long time wen their husbands were still alive.

Swapo will continue with the provision of social amenities, development of physical and communication infrastructures and projects focusing on economic growth, reducing poverty and unemployment in the country.

He again called on Swapo members and especially mobilisers to avoid confrontation, chaos and fighting during election campaign at Oshikango.

Last week Swapo and RDP members nearly clashed in one of Windhoek’s informal settlements over the hanging of posters on electricity poles.

He said the Swapo-led government is committed to ensuring that private sector investments flow to different parts of the country in order to boost economic activities and to create employment

At the rally attended by people from different specrum of society the rally-goers sang revolutionary songs.

Bullet Ya Kaoko, Namibian Big Brother Africa( BBA) contestant, Lady May as well as Kondja and other musicians performed at the rally.