A great example for young people

Home Special Focus A great example for young people

What prompted you to become a pastor, was it a calling or a career choice?

To become a pastor is not a choice, it is passion of caring for humanity. Pastoral is a calling because it was not something which just came up overnight and I grabbed it. A calling is something which you cannot avoid, it is not something that you go searching for, but it comes to you. On the other hand, career is something you choose according to how much you will earn. A calling is something you genuinely care about and of which you will never grow tired. When you are consumed with your calling, time and money do not apply. God said to Jeremiah 1:5 “before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you.”

How long have you been a pastor and what has been your experience?
I have been in the ministry as an ordained minister/pastor for two years and two months now and I am enjoying it. I love my parishioners, they are cooperative and they attend service in big numbers. I like them also because they want to know more about Christian faith. It is just a pity to know that some people come to church with wrong intentions which make it difficult to bring all parishioners to the same level of understanding of the will of God. Some people look committed to the church but it appears that many Christians are only Christians at church but outside the church one would not recognise them because of the things they do or say. It is my prayer that all Christians grow to love Christ and others as they love themselves.

Being a pastor is seen as a low-income earning profession by society. Has this not detered you from becoming a pastor?

Yes that is what it is labelled – a low-income earning profession. Well that is a fact. You can really see that pastors are the lowest earning among other professions. But that is not a problem to me and it has not discouraged me to become a pastor. Being a pastor, you are under God’s care, you receive many blessings and God our father always provides for you.

Many young people lately will chase after money-making institutions and live flamboyantly. Where does that leave you?

Well it is okay with them if they enjoy that type of life. I don’t see the need for chasing after money; I am fine with what I have. Each one of us is given different talents and is called to different duties to take care of God’s creation. If these young people are chasing the money in fulfilling their calling then it is good and they must work hard. But choosing a career just to gain more money and your heart is not there, it is a disappointment, because you can have a pocket full of money but you have no peace of mind. Jesus said: “the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few,” (Luke 10:2). So I believe a pastoral field will be always like this and I hope God will provide more workers into his field.

Young women today opt for flashy lives chasing after wealth, go clubbing, are you not tempted? Or are pastors allowed to club?
Today’s world is competing for wealth but I think we are missing the point sometime. The Bible warned us; “whoever loves wealth is never satisfied” (Ecclesiastes 5: 10). Clubbing is not my thing and I wonder how my fellow village girls manage to adopt to the clubbing life, maybe the city girls has been in clubs since growing up. I have no interest and there’s no way to get tempted. I think it is expensive to be in that type of life, you have to dress up for every weekend if not every night because you have to look smart. I have other important things which I can spend my money on rather than drinking and taking unnecessary trips. For me it is a waste of time to club and it is risky to be out in the night as a lady.

Are pastors allowed to club?

The natural law can already tell how inappropriate it is for a pastor to be clubbing. He/she can be at a club of course for a certain reason but clubbing, I don’t see the necessity.

Many young women have lost their lives at the hands of their spouses or partners. Many reasons attributed to these deaths label women as gold diggers. What is your take?

It is wrong to take the life of another person whatever the reason may be. “You shall not kill” is God’s command. Who came up with the word ‘gold digger’? I am tempted to say it is men and because the word exists it tells you that men/people are aware of such women, but men still provide for these women.
Some men fall in the hands of these types of women because they do not belong to one partner and they provide and support these women to keep them sticking around. To build a relationship on money is wrong and it does not work. What if you lose your job? To stop these evil acts, let us turn back to God in truth and obedience.

What advice can you give the nation?

Young men if you have money it is not a ticket to have any woman you want. Your money may end up in the wrong hands or it can be the cause of your death and somebody’s daughter. Using your money for the wrong reason is a sin against God. My dearest brothers, sons of Namibia; killing is not the solution. If a person leaves you or cheats on you, that is not the end of the world. Release a person, let her go. What is the interest of keeping a person who is not happy at your side? That is selfishness and it is not good for you. Work hard, pray to God to find the right woman whom you love and will love you back. Take her to your parents, marry her then you can provide for her with love and respect. Girls and women, you should not accept money from someone who is not known by your parents. Whatever reasons, if you are in need of money ask from your parents or family members, they will see what to do. Do not make boyfriends your source of income. Accept a guy to be your partner if you truly like him NOT because he is rich. Have some value, study; find something you can do/work to gain as much as you can.

There are few female pastors. If you were to inspire young women to take up professions, would you advise them to become pastors?

To inspire someone is possible but the person has to be called. The pastoral profession is good and important in the community. It is valuable to those who have the passion to serve the people of God out of love. It may be a low-income earning profession but I tell you; God rewards enough. The society needs more called pastors not just job-seeking pastors. Pastors who can serve the people of God anywhere they may be needed. A pastor has to preach the word of God, teach, and should be prepared in season and out of season.

Are pastors allowed to be ambitious and change jobs?

Ambition is not something to be forbidden, so there may be some pastors who wish to change from pastoral to another profession. My ambition is to serve the people of God with the Holy Word as a pastor. I say to the Lord as Prophet Isaiah said: “Here I am Lord send me,” (Isa 6:8).

Is there a difference between the behaviour of a pastor in society and any other person in a different profession, what is the pastor’s code of conduct?

If a pastor and any person in a different profession are Christians, there should be common behaviour in the community because they are all called to obey God and live a Christian life. Loving, caring, forgiving, joy, peace and self-control are the fruits of a Christian life (Gal 5:22). A pastor is a pastor wherever he/she is. A pastor should be an honest someone and should not support wrong things which are against Christianity. He/she is there to take care of people’s peace of mind or souls, to pray, guide and encourage people to live a godly life. Pastors are there to boost people’s confidence and are committed to provide excellent standards and a high quality of professional service.

You have a big congregation, how do you handle people from various age groups and backgrounds? Or does it leave you wanting to take up a different profession?

The word of God speaks to all people of different age groups, and from the theological training I have learned how to serve them all. In the church we are all welcomed to Christ who is the body which all of us belong to. Besides our background we all need salvation. The views and ideas of people of different ages and backgrounds are not what matters but what God says to all of us. The congregation is on Christ’s shoulders, He is the master, I am his minister/servant. It does not matter how old I am, the Lord leads me through.
The church life is not to impress and find favour in the eyes of people, it is to help and correct each other to do the will of God. There are hardships in leading a parish but to give up is not wise, rather look up to the cross and remember how Christ who never sinned had suffered for me. Christ’s victory is my victory.

What is that one good lesson that motivates you to stick to your profession?

I love being among fellow believers, we strengthen each other and learn that only the word of God can transform us to be better persons in front of God and through the word of God we can find the way to heaven. Well I made a promise to teach the word of God and to administer the Holy sacraments. I like to stand firm in the Gospel up to the end, may the Lord help me.