CoD promises education, health reforms

Home Special Focus CoD promises education, health reforms

WINDHOEK – The Congress of Democrats (CoD) launched its manifesto on Saturday, in which the former official opposition party promises to transform the education and health sectors once voted into power next month.

“Every mother and father has difficulties accessing education,” CoD president Ben Ulenga said at the launch.
“Education is in a mess, children are made to believe that they are stupid to fail Grade 10,” Ulenga said to the approximately 50 party supporters in attendance of the launch in Katutura’s Greenwell Matongo location.
“Our education system is messed up. Our hospitals are dirty, how will people become healthy if the hospitals are dirty and the cockroaches are the guests?” Ulenga said.
“How do you except learners to pass if they do not have textbooks?” Ulenga asked.
“For this purpose we shall raise the necessary financial resources to ensure the realisation of our commitments. All young children, minors and all those seeking education shall be given the opportunity to learn,” the manifesto points out.
“Health and welfare shall be based on a totally radical approach, aiming to transform the current health and welfare system in the country.”
The CoD manifesto further says it will provide a comprehensive medical aid, medical insurance and pension system that will include not only government employees but also private sector employees.
The CoD also introduced its list of 96 candidates for the National Assembly. The top ten are Ulenga, Tsundao Gurirab, Clementine Masambo, Magrietha J. De Wee, Vaino Amuthenu, Profilia Nanyala, Boas Mwapopi, Jefta Tjozongoro, Chaze Muhongo and Paulina Jacobs.
The CoD manifesto further says the party has always been ready to serve Namibia through working with people to change the current social and economic conditions for the better.
“Since our memorable launch 15 years ago we have had one vision only – re-make Namibia into a fair place where we all prosper by mobilising our abundant natural resources and our talented, gifted people in unity and in harmony.”
“For almost 25 years the current administration has continued to benefit only an elite, a small group of people who have now grown rich and fat, and who are out of touch with the rest of our nation,” the manifesto says.
Ulenga also criticised the purchase of three new Mercedes Benz ML SUVs that are fitted with security features, including being bullet-proof, for Prime Minister Hage Geingob.
“I am in Greenwell without a gun or bodyguard, who is he afraid of?” the CoD leader asked.
By beefing up his security, Geingob was already acting like a president, the CoD leader charged.