
Enabling impact of trade shows core to success – Swartbooi

Home Business Enabling impact of trade shows core to success – Swartbooi

KEETMANSHOOP – The enabling impact of trade shows is the core to providing the return on investment for exhibitors and visitors and in most cases provides the measurement criteria for determining success.

This is according to sentiments expressed by the Governor of the //Kharas region, Bernardus Swartbooi, during the official opening of the annual Keetmanshoop Agricultural Show last week. The annual show is now in its 59th year.

“Trade shows are local, regional, national and global meeting places providing a highly conducive environment in which businesspeople meet with other businesspeople to discuss partnerships and joint ventures, to maintain and consolidate relationships and to identify new business opportunities”, said Swartbooi. 

The governor added that recent developments in the //Kharas Region are there “for everyone to witness”, as he mentioned major retailers putting up shop and massive infrastructural projects, such as the Neckartal Dam, in the region.

“I must add that with the involvement of our office, we have raised in excess of N$1 million towards the Keetmanshoop Agricultural Show over the last four years in respect of sponsorships and other assistance”, noted Swartbooi. “As the political head of the //Kharas Region and being on a mission for the economic development of the region, I have made it a specific and deliberate action for the Office of the Governor to be involved in the  Keetmanshoop Agricultural Show”, he added.