
Safeguard peace with respect to history

Home Opinions Safeguard peace with respect to history

On the 69th Anniversary of World War II and China’s Victory of Anti-Japanese War on September 03 the world witnessed commemorative activities including prayers for peace and justice.

Chinese Ambassador to Namibia, Xin Shunkang, writing about the 69 Anniversary said the National People’s Congress of China had ratified September 03 as a memorial day on which national leaders would deliver official speeches, pay tribute to heroes and heroines in that war.

The National Archives was scheduled to publish confession documents of Japanese war criminals and hold historical exhibitions throughout the country.

Mr Xin said for the Chinese people, the significance of September 03 would be like that of the Heroes’ Day in Namibia.

The Anti-Japanese War is the biggest war against aggression in Chinese history and our people fought for victory in that war with solidarity, blood and enormous sacrifices. The eight-year War cost 35 million military and civilian casualties of China and no less than a 560 billion US dollars economic loss.

It witnessed not only the brutality of murdering, raping, burning and robbing by the Japanese invaders, but also the great solidarity and resistance determination of the Chinese people.

The names of martyrs who died for safeguarding national independence will be engraved in the hearts of all Chinese people forever.

The victory of Anti-Japanese War is the first complete victory of China in modern history against foreign aggression, which has rinsed China’s defeated disgrace in nearly one century, enhanced the self-confidence of Chinese people, marked a national turning point from decline to revival and laid the foundation of independence and liberation of our country.

The Anti-Japanese War is an inseparable part of the world Anti-Fascist War and national liberation movement of the 20th century, thus received supports of peace-loving people from all over the world, including Africa. China was one of the main battlefields of Anti-Fascist War, contained the most Japanese troops throughout the war, and contributed greatly to the final victory.

History keeps reminding the Chinese people to treasure the hard-won peaceful life. For us, to forget means to betray. 

We commemorate the victory so as to take history as a mirror, look into the future and prevent any recurrence of historical tragedy. However, too many things we repeatedly see and hear in Japan are shameless, turning black into white instead of sincerely confessing to war crimes and exterminating militarism.

The right-wing forces of Japan keep making troubles in recent years, disregarding the historical facts that Diaoyu Island is part of China and taking various unilateral actions including the so-called “nationalisation”; insisting on visiting Yasukuni Shrine, where Class-A war criminals are worshiped; tampering with historical textbooks by beautifying aggression wars, to name just a few.

China and other war-stricken Asian countries maintain a high degree of vigilance on the stirring among dry bones of Japanese militarism, which has caused great damage to Asia and the whole world.

On the 69th Anniversary of Victory of world Anti-Fascist War, Japan should face up to the history, make deep reflections on the crimes of aggression, and try to gain trust and respect from the international society, especially Asian countries, with right attitudes and actions.

The great Namibia-China friendship dates back to misery days of fighting for national independence. We share the deep understanding on peace and freedom, for which we had fought with our blood and life.

I believe, in this historic moment of commemorating victory, the Namibian people, as our intimate brothers and sisters, will join the Chinese people in cherishing the memory of our revolutionary martyrs, and striving for world peace and stability.

Long live Namibia-China friendship!

Long live world peace!