Take responsibility for your plans

Home Youth Corner Take responsibility for your plans

Is it astonishing how days goes by so fast, chasing God knows what? It feels just like a few weeks ago when I was at the village celebrating New Year’s Eve with my family. Before I knew it I am in April and like a dream we are in August. We are in the eighth month of the year and we have merely four months left before we go to 2015, which is just a matter of time before we get to 2016, 2030 and so. But before we let our imaginations run that far, let us look back at the past eight months.

What have you been up to in the past eight months? What have you achieved in these months? By the way, what were your New Year’s resolutions? Did you achieve any of these, or you are one of these people who prefer not to have none because you will forget about them by the fifth day of the year? Of course the New Year excitement is only for the first five days of January, so you are bound to forget about anything that has New Year attached to it by the sixth of January, which includes you “new year’s resolution”.  Personally I do not make “New Year’s” resolutions, I make e.g. “2014 resolutions”. I do not call them resolutions either, I call them goals. Resolutions are thoughts, and I do not just want to have thoughts… I attach a plan and a deadline to these resolutions and they become goals.

Going back to the question, eight months into the year, what have you brought to life? Congratulations to you if you have achieved all, a few or one of your goals. The good news to everyone is; life does not stop in 2014. Every day is a blessing as it comes, a brand new day given to us to correct our mistakes, start afresh, or continue what we could not finish the day before. Every day you are given a chance to work on your goals and make your dreams come true. There is so much beauty in having goals; when you have goals, you have direction in life. When you feel like you have direction in life, it is so much easy to focus on the task at hand without getting distracted by other side projects that are none of your business.

Some people are faced with a challenge of sticking to the plans that they have to make their dreams a reality. It starts with taking responsibility. Take responsibility of what you are supposed to do, take responsibility when you lose track, take responsibility when you fail, and finally take responsibility to make things happen. If you have trouble sticking to a plan, tell three of four people about your plan. That way, you will feel the need to make it happen because someone else expects you too, so in a way it is a nice way to put pressure on yourself. Pressure and pain more than anything drives human kind to work hard and live a better life. So do not mind the pressure… all the best.