
A tampon that protect women against HIV

Home National A tampon that protect women against HIV

WINDHOEK – Bio-engineers have come up with what could possibly be a tampon that protects women from HIV infection. The tampon would work by being inserted before sex and the concoction of drugs embedded in the fibres, that make up the tampon, would release the HIV protective drugs immediately before sex commences, – or so the initial research has shown, in the quest to make women’s protection from HIV infection as simple as inserting a medicated, disappearing fabric minutes before having sex.

University of Washington bio-engineers, who have discovered a potentially faster way to deliver a topical drug that protects women from contracting HIV, is developing the drug tampon research. Their method spins the drug into silk-like fibres that quickly dissolve when in contact with moisture, releasing higher doses of the drug than possible with other topical materials such as gels or creams, the University of Washington reported in its official publications.

“This could offer women a potentially more effective, discreet way to protect themselves from HIV infection by inserting the drug-loaded materials into the vagina before sex,” said Cameron Ball, a University of Washington doctoral student in bio-engineering and lead author on a paper in the August issue of Anti-microbial Agents and Chemotherapy. The silk-line fibres dissolve within six minutes of contact with moisture, delivering the dosage necessary for maximum protection before sexual contact.

However, there is a slight hiccup in the research and development of the tampon. The researchers have the recipe for the drug needed – it is called micro-biocides – and the best method to deliver the drugs – the tampon. The tricky part is how to deliver the needed quantity of the drug into the female body, because the tampon has high probability of leakage.

“The effectiveness of an anti-HIV topical drug depends partially on high-enough dosages and quick release. We have achieved higher drug loading in our material such that you wouldn’t need to insert a large amount of these fibres to deliver enough of the drug to be helpful,” says Ball

The research was inspired by bio-engineering assistant professor, Kim Woodrow’s, study in which her team found that electrically spun cloth could be dissolved to release drugs.

A process called electro-spinning fabricates the tampons, which is roughly comparable on the large scale to the traditional spinning of yarn from wool.

Electro-spinning, according to researchers, turns the liquid into extremely fine fibres, measurable on the micro-scale or even the nanoscale, and large or complex molecules are particularly suitable to the process.

A variety of topical HIV-prevention drugs are available and researchers say they are currently testing the effectiveness of several.

“We think the fibre platform technology has the capability of being developed into multi-functional medical fabrics that address simultaneously challenges related to biological efficacy and user preferences,” says Woodrow.

Although it is currently referred to as a tampon, and could be inserted by means of a cardboard applicator, as with conventional tampons, the method is not to be confused with menstrual hygiene, for the material is not meant to absorb blood.

Researchers are exploring other delivery methods such as a vaginal ring similar to the contraception device and so far the product has not been tested on humans.

Woodrow says the method could eventually expand into other domains of sexual health, even contraception.

“Our dream is to create a product women can use to protect themselves from HIV infection and unintended pregnancy,” she said in an interview upon the publication of her paper on electro-spinning. – Compiled from University of Washington paper and AFP Relaxnews

By Staff Reporter