Accident-prone Erongo roads a major concern

Home Special Focus Accident-prone Erongo roads a major concern

SWAKOPMUND –  The Governor of the Erongo Region, Cleophas Mutjavikua, says he is deeply concerned about the dilapidated state of some roads and the increasing number of road accidents in the region.

Mutjavikua was briefing councillors, mayors and leaders on various issues during the region’s mid-year address held last week on Friday in Swakopmund. Mutjavikua said law enforcement should be intensified to minimise road accidents and fatalities.

He also called on road users especially heavy truck drivers to be extra cautious when driving.

Not less than seven people died last month in road accidents in Erongo.

“It is very important once again to point out that the road between Walvis Bay and Karibib remains a serious concern. The road is narrow and carries increasing cargo destined for Trans-Kalahari, Trans-Zambezi as well as to Oshikango and via Katwitwi to the Cuando Cubango Province. I am therefore calling upon both truck drivers and normal road users to exercise caution when using that road,” stated the regional governor.

He said that tarring the trunk road between Walvis Bay and Swakopmund, the expansion or double lining of the road from Swakopmund to Karibib and the tarring of the road between Swakopmund, Henties Bay, Uis, Khorixas-to-Kamanjab are regional priorities that should be implemented as a matter of urgency.

Mutjavikua said the roads in the Daures Constituency in Usakos also need urgent re-gravelling as they have reached their maximum life span.

“The road leading to Otjimbingwe demands attention. The initial agreement with the Roads Authority is not yet implemented. We will continue to negotiate for implementation of the re-gravelling programme,” he said.

Earlier this year the Deputy Minister of Works and Transport, Kilus Nguvauva, also announced that the road and rail network in the Erongo Region will undergo a transformation that will enhance safety and stimulate economic growth in the next few years. He said the road between Swakopmund and Walvis Bay would definitely be rehabilitated and that construction tenders would be awarded in January 2015.

Nguvauva said  the rehabilitation and upgrading would enhance integrated connectivity to ensure stimulus, reliable and cost-effective transport solutions, enhance the safety of road infrastructure and at the same time open investment and trade opportunities.

By Eveline de Klerk