
Training is indeed refreshing

Home Columns Training is indeed refreshing

Tunomukwathi Asino

There were complaints about my writing, but rather than feeling down, I approached management about going for training in Auckland, S.A. to sharpen my writing skills. 

Rather than being asked ‘why now?’ – I was asked which Auckland, the one in South Africa or New Zealand. 

I almost missed my trip debating about Auckland, I only knew one. I replied the suburb of Johannesburg. I think they were worried that I would claim too much S &T.

Never liked geography while at Jan Jonker Afrikaner Secondary School – rather French, History and English were my favourites.

So I went to Auckland, Johannesburg, and lived in Melville, a few minutes from Auckland with other trainees from South Africa, Botswana, Malawi and Zimbabwe.

I learned a lot while there and proved my critics wrong that say that court reporting is boring. It was great getting a refresher course on different leads. 

Plus I learned that what I say about my boss, may come back to haunt me. That I should not only be worried about telltales but it may have legal consequences as well. 

Tweets are the same as saying something about your workplace. One cannot hide behind the statements: “I tweet in my personal capacity”, “Tweets are my own,”… as long as people can identify you with an organisation you work for, says an expert.

A woman was slapped with a N$40 000 fine for spreading rumours, so ja

Johannesburg was fun; the notion that it’s the most dangerous city on earth is a lie. 

Now I wonder if I propose going to a Scandinavian country will I be allowed – apparently they are some of the most peaceful countries. I believe a week’s visit will do me good, watch this space.

Back in the land of the brave, nothing had changed; I feel that I have never left. I mean come on this thing of babies, kids falling in buckets (omahemele) has to stop.

Two infants drowned last week, police informed the media. 

One drowned in Otjiwarongo and the other in Opuwo. 

A three-year-old drowned in Opuwo when she allegedly went to fetch water with a bucket from a borehole. At Ombili in Otjiwarongo a one-year-old drowned in a bucket of water.

I have been writing about babies drowning in buckets, and people thought it only happens in the north, as apparently kids play near buckets of water.

Now it seems it is a trend, eish.

There should be a law forbidding kinds under 10 years from playing near water. Why should a three-year-old fetch water in the first place? 

Somebody informed me that apparently women are tired of men not taking responsibility for their children and apparently it’s the new form of baby dumping. 

That was at Kwazimoto, let’s hope the person had too much liquid and it was the liquid talking. 

Uunona nawukale kokule nomahemele.(Keep children far from buckets).O S&T inandipewa. Roughly, don’t call me, I did not get any S&T. Eewa!