
Chief Kambazembi passes on

Home Special Focus Chief Kambazembi passes on

By Kuzeeko Tjitemisa

WINDHOEK – The Ovaherero under the leadership of the Kambazembi Royal House is mourning the passing of Chief Uakutjo Kambazembi who died early yesterday.

He passed on in the morning at Ongwediva Medi-Clinic after succumbing to kidney failure, a condition he suffered for some time.

His grandfather, Muhata Kapi confirmed his death to New Era and said Kambazembi was admitted to the Opuuo State Hospital on Thursday last week and was rushed to Ongwediva Medi-Clinic on Monday.

Kambazembi was installed as the sixth chief of the Kambazembi Royal House in 2007 at Okakarara. 

He succeeded his uncle, Tuvahi David Kambazembi, who tragically passed away in 2006 while on a mission to find his grandfather’s grave in South Africa.

Family members and followers will be gathering in Okakarara at the old homestead of his great grandfather, Tjerije Tjirije.