SOUL FOOD – See no evil, hear no evil

Home Youth Corner SOUL FOOD – See no evil, hear no evil


I naively believe that all human beings are good people. I came to believe this after I came across the theory of “Innate Goodness” in the psychology discipline.

In simple terms the theory stipulates that all people are born good people and only acquire evilness through experience of life. I believe people’s goodness is always hidden under hurt, anger and trauma. After negative experiences, a person either walk away built or broken. It is these experiences that break us that make us protective over our feelings and emotions, and more often we think the best way to protect ourselves is to be cold and ruthless to others so they do not get to our vulnerable and emotional self. I also strongly believe that as much as people try to hide their good side because they feel it is vulnerable and weak, they are also constantly searching for it.

There is that urge in us that want us to be the best we can be. The urge that wants us to be remembered and be missed when we are not around. It is because deep down we are good people and we would do anything to bring out that happy and good side of ourselves as long as we feel safe to do. The point I am trying to make in this article is that we must choose to see the good in others because know we know that everyone has a special good spot inside them. The good that you see in others is the good in you. If you are constantly hating and criticising others, they are not the one with the problem but you. If you think people around you are mean and evil, you have some anger issues you need to work on just as they should too.

There is a saying that goes “if you do not like what you see, change the way you are looking at it”. Sometimes it is not so much about the other person but rather our attitude towards that specific person. It takes a passionate and calm person to see the good in others. You do not just meet someone that day in their angry state and expect them to be angels minutes later. You have to nurture the goodness out of them by being trustworthy, loyal and supporting. You should be forgiving and open minded to see the good in others.

What you see around you is a reflection of you. If you feel like people have something against you, you are actually that have something against them. The bad you see in others is the bad in you, the good you see in others is the goodness in you. Because the goodness in you can nurture and bring out the greatest in others.