
Cash-strapped CoD fails to field candidate

Home Featured Cash-strapped CoD fails to field candidate

By Nuusita Ashipala

ONGWEDIVA – With only a few weeks to go before the Ohangwena by-election, the Congress of Democrats (CoD) has not yet tendered a name of a candidate as the party’s coffers are almost drained.

According to the party’s vice-president Vaino Amuthenu, the party’s finance is in shambles, thanks to the party’s old leadership that failed to account for the manner in which the party spends its money.

 He also blamed the party’s management for not properly accounting for the N$400 000 which the party received from government.

Amuthenu further related the decision not to take part in the Ohangwena by-election would affect the anticipated outcome in the upcoming national elections scheduled for November.  

Amuthenu was making reference to using the upcoming by-election as a motive to canvas more supporters and to bridge the gap between the party’s leadership and members from the grassroots.  

He said at the moment there is a gap between the leadership and the grassroots because its leadership has not been visible in some areas.

“The issue of not taking part in the Ohangwena by-election is very bad and it will affect the upcoming national elections.  We are not in contact with our members there, we don’t want to participate for the sake of participating and come out with nothing,” said Amuthenu.

Amuthenu blamed the old leadership for the gap between leadership and the people in the regions.  He emphasized that it is important to maintain the relationship with the people at the grassroots to maintain votes.

“Even if you have millions, millions do not vote people vote,” said Amuthenu.

Amuthenu also said the mishandling of the party’s funds  has compelled sponsors to retract from funding the party.

“We used to get funding from private companies, but now there’s nothing. It is important to show sponsors how the money was spent, but if there are no records then sponsors will go,” said Amuthenu.

He is however hopeful with the newly elected management which is expected to change the party because he feels the new leaders are “united and have a mission.”