SOUL FOOD – It helps to be humble

Home Youth Corner SOUL FOOD – It helps to be humble

Some people after they have gained some wealth and recognition, they tend to think that they are above everyone else.

We have seen it all around us. Once a person gains something that others do not have, they all of a sudden are not respectful and do not have time for people “supposedly” below them. They make offensive comments and try to make it known that they are better off and not everyone can sit with them. Well, ever heard of the saying, “one minute you up, next minute you down”? Well, if you never did, you just did.

Just as there are stories of rags-to-riches, there are also stories of riches-to-rags and I believe that no one is immune to being a statistic. You can be the riches today but you never know what tomorrow holds. You can lose all your wealth in one day and the next day you are below the people that you were cussing the other day. Or what if the person you are looking down on today gains something that is more than yours one day. Materials gains can be lost in a blink of an eye. It will be so shameful to crawl back to that person to ask for forgiveness.

Having wealth does not make one more of a human being than the next one. We all need water and oxygen to sustain life and I think that fact alone is good enough to keep you in lane. You should be able to think deeper and ask yourself why you were given that blessing and not the other person. What could possibly God wants you to do with that gift. It can be something materialistic; it could be a talent or your level of education. You were given that blessing to help others find themselves and live a better life and not to make you superior. That is why many rich people like or educated people try to give back to communities where they come from. Oprah Winfrey is one of the most well-known examples. They do not let their wealth define them as superior above the human race, they use their wealth to make life better for other human beings. It does not have to be materials and money all the time. We have ordinary people who go and volunteer at orphanages and refugee camps all around the world because they are grateful that they are blessed enough not to be in that difficult position.

So be grateful for the gift/ blessing that are given. Some people did not even have to work for what they have; they were simply just privileged form birth. Do yourself a favour and be humble because you never know what you might need tomorrow. We can never know or have it all so there is going to one day when you need help from another person. Sharing is caring, if you have in abundance give the leftovers to others. If you do not share, your hands will get too full, you will not be able to accept anymore. And the more you give, the more you receive.