
Heavy traffic fines are not helping

Home National Heavy traffic fines are not helping

By John Travolter Matali

TSUMEB – Oshikoto police regional public relations officer Warrant-Officer Iseskar Arachab believes heavy fines have proven ineffective in changing the attitudes of errant motorists.

According to Arachab, the poor driving and discipline of many road users constitute a big problem, especially on the B1 road. He said few drivers abide by the speed limits regardless of the hefty fines they face.

“Discipline is not something one can buy with money. Fines are being pushed ever so high, however motorists do not seem to mind, they have closed their eyes to the heavy fines. Most people drive fast knowing they can afford to pay the traffic fines, often accumulating several speeding tickets, which is an acknowledgement that fines have failed us. We need to seek alternative solutions to speedsters and reckless drivers on our roads,” stressed Arachab.

Arachab suggested suspending a driver’s licence for a few months as an alternative remedy, adding that the measure could help save lives as one less speedster would be using a public road.

Arachab also lashed out at hitch-hikers for not taking into consideration their own lives and safety, but rather looking to the prospect of free transport.

“It is high time hitch-hikers learned to think above a free hike, as their indiscretion could be their worst downfall. Desperation can lead to your own demise if you are not careful; think of your life and that of your relatives before jumping into an open pickup (bakkie),” said Arachab.

“This is a very dangerous practice that has been condemned by several ministries for several years now, because many people are in wheelchairs today due to injuries sustained from falling out of a moving vehicle, usually an open bakkie,” Arachab said.

Arachab however donned his hat to some taxi drivers who, according to him, are immensely considerate of other road users, saying a taxi driver will rarely ever allow a fellow taxi driver to be stranded. 

“Some taxi drivers have good manners especially up north, where I personally observed a taxi driver who stopped to allow a fellow motorist to enter a busy intersection during rush hour – I was really impressed,” added Arachab.

The regional public relations officer believes that if more people were considerate and not only be rushing to reach their destinations fewer accidents would occur. 

Otjiwarongo traffic unit commander Nafthalie !Abeb was in accord with Arachab, stating that if people stood a chance to lose their licence they would actually think twice about speeding.

“Although fines work to some extent they are not completely effective and are not a long term solution. Deduction of points on licences can be very effective. Hypothetically speaking, a licence could be granted ten points, from which a point is systematically deducted for each offence. 

“Sadly this has not yet been introduced in Namibia, unlike with other first-world countries. I firmly believe that if a person stands a chance to lose their licence they will think long and hard before they commit any road offence,” said !Abeb.