It is okay not to know

Home Youth Corner It is okay not to know

Sometimes things are not going so well for you, you get in a midst of thoughts and you just do not know which way you are supposed to follow.

It can be choosing a career path, a partner, or the right time to do something. To make matters worse, while you are in this dilemma you have all these people around you giving you opinions on the matter. You do not know which advice to follow and some opinions are just totally not making sense to you. You get even more confused and you start questioning your reasoning ability and losing hope in yourself. Well, you are not the only one, it happens to most of us.

It is not a crime not to know. We are human beings, not super human beings. There are things that are in our power and these require extra effort.  We are not meant to know it all; whether it is factual information or ways of doing things and handling situations. If you cannot figure something out today, give it a day or two and see if new ideas have popped up in your head. If not then, feel free to ask someone for their opinion.  If you are not sure about the path you have approached a certain situation, take time out and rest before you start again. One of the most common mistakes we make is feeling the need to be sure all the time. Uncertainty is not failure. People take study gap years all the time, in order to figure out what they really want to do; that does not make them failures in any way. Some answers take long to be found than others and a good answer is better than taking the wrong short cut.

Uncertainty and not knowing teach us faith and patience. They teach us to never give up and to always believe that one day it is going to be alright. They are also suppose to makes us think logically and clearly, so if you are not sure about the way a certain area of your life is looking now, do not beat yourself up because it is okay to not know. Not knowing does not make us failures or weak, if we can admit it to ourselves, it means we are brave and ready to face that particular situation. The answer might not be in front of you now, but you will get it after you have searched for it. You are going to make mistakes in your way that is okay too. Mistakes help us grown and show us a way to do it better next time. Making mistakes and failing once (or twice) does not mean you are failure you whole life. You fail today to do it better tomorrow. There is a saying by one anonymous man that says, “do not let one bad day makes you think you have a bad life”.