Wenela belongs to State

Home National Wenela belongs to State

KATIMA MULILO – Zambezi Regional Governor Lawrence Sampofu has reiterated that the disputed piece of land at Wenela belongs to the State. Sampofu was adamant the land is question belongs to the State, adding that he has supporting documents to substantiate its ownership.

Lennox Lutambo an induna at Liselo Khuta claimed the land at Wenela belongs to his khuta.

Lutambo also accussed both the regional council and town council of “tribalism” and wanting to seize land under the his jurisdiction by force.

He further said summonses by Chief George Simasiku Mamili to Zambezi Regional Governor, Lawrence Sampofu, the Chief Regional Officer, Regina Ndopu-Lubinda and the CEO of Katima Mulilo Town Council, Charles Nawa, to resolve the issue amicably were snubbed.

“We have that agreement of FNDC with the previous government. It says if the company moves out, the land should be handed over to the State. We also have a title deed,” he elaborated.

The governor could not understand how the same khuta claiming land ownership over Wenela was able to give government 2 000 hectares of land in the same area under contention. He also dismissed with contempt insunuations by the induna that he snubbed the main Mafwe Khuta of George Simasiku Mamili at Chinchimani.

He said: “The induna you spoke to, I am not even sure if he is an induna. We have been cooperating with Induna Liselo who gave us 2 000 hectares for the planned green scheme project.”

“As to the meetings with the khuta we never refused to attend meetings at the khuta,” he said.

By George Sanzila