
  Regional seminar on implementing agricultural investment plans using the value chain approach

Home Focus   Regional seminar on implementing agricultural investment plans using the value chain approach


The NEPAD Agency organised a training seminar with the theme “Implementing NAIPs using a value chain approach” in Pretoria, South Africa, from 05 to 09 May 2014.  The seminar was hosted with the support of the CAADP-GIZ programme.  Wallie Roux as the NAU’s nominee for Namibia’s CAADP Country Team attended the seminar.  His participation was made possible by GIZ Namibia.

The objective of the seminar was to capacitate participants to utilise a value chain approach for the implementation of NAIPs as part of a country’s CAADP Compact agreement (identification of priority areas for investment in agriculture and signed by all key stakeholders).  The value chain approach aims at promoting public-private co-investment under the umbrella of NAIPs as a collaborative effort of public and private stakeholders.

From a CAADP perspective governments should pursue a market-focused agricultural development to encourage private investments.  This requires implementing NAIPs according to a value chain approach given that all NAIPs identify priority value chains to promote. 

The CAADP process in Namibia came to a halt during the middle of 2010.  However, MAWF recently requested nominees from stakeholders for the CAADP Country Team to revitalise the process.

CAADP:  Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme

GIZ:  Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit GmbH

MAWF:  Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry

NAIPs:  National Agricultural Investment Plans

NAU:  Namibia Agricultural Union

NEPAD:  New Partnership for Africa’s Development


NAMMED will hold AGM

The Medical Aid NAMMED will hold its Annual General Meeting on June 4 at 18:00 at the Safari Hotel Windhoek. For further details contact the NAMMED office, Tel 061 374600, info@nammed.com.na.

Testing of heavy vehicles

The Roads Authority has announced that testing of heavy vehicles (3 500kg and more) will be done temporarily at the Natis Valley for the next two months as from May 14, 2014. These arrangements were made due to maintenance which is  done at the Brakwater Weigh Bridge. Due to the limited parking space at the Natis Valley, heavy vehicles and trailers are tested only between 13:00 and 15:30 from Monday to Fridays. The Roads Authority apologises for any inconvenience caused. For further information contact the Roads Authority’s website at www.ra.org.na.

Mariental motivation day again was a success

The bi-annual motivation day which was hosted by the Mariental Regional Agricultural Union (RAU) at Stampriet on May 8, 2014 again was a big success with well know speakers such as Ernst Janovski of ABSA Bank, South Africa, Mr Mecki Schneider, chairperson fo the LPO, Charl Senekal, a farmer of Kwazulu-Natail and Ryno van der Merwe who gave feedback about the latest amendments of the Commercial Land Reform Act on behalf of the Namibia Land Reform Forum.

During his opening Dr André Olivier of Aranos emphasized the importance of relationships as a prerequisite for success in farming.

Ernst Janovski gave an overview of the world economy and where Namibia fits into it. According to him agriculture’s future as supplier of food will play an even bigger role in the world economy and that Africa and South America have the potential to increase production. The economies in Africa have turned and growth rates between 7 & 8% are experienced in developing African countries whilst the South African economy only grows at 3%. The costs of energy and transport put an even bigger pressure on producers and these extras expenditures can only be counter acted by increased productivity and production of bigger volumes.

The importance of commercial agriculture was also emphasised by the fact that only  7 000 of the 35 000 farmers in the RSA produce more than 80% of the food. The cost pliers however put farmer’s cash flow under pressure and expenditures will be decreased only by presiesie farming and the use of economy of scale. He also expects that producer prices will move sidewads.

Mecki Schneider took the audience to a drive about the good and bad years in the past century. According to him farmers of the country could overcome problems with which they were faced and thus expand the agricultural sector. As in the past century, currently there are also challenges for the livestock producers in Namibia and is it the mission of the LPO to address current problems and thus ensure a better future for the livestock sector in Namibia.

Mr Charl Senekal, as already during the Outlook Conference in Windhoek last year, motivated farmers. According to him dreams can be turned into actions and success can be achieved with a positive attitude.

FA and other news

Kalkfeld FA is hosting a farmers day on May 21 at 08:30 at Farm Oksongoro Wildboma. The theme is “Alternative Energy” and speakers are Harald Schütt of Amusha, Nico Nieman of Erongo Red, Mr Gero Bayorat of DIS Engineering and Mr Reimo Bauer of Cenored and Alensy will give a Power Point presentation. The costs are N$80 per person. Please register before May 13 with Mrs Uta Clausen, Tel 067 290170. For further details contact Sylvia Friedensdorf, Tel 067 290009, kfriedensdorf@iway.na.

Bethanie FA is holding a meeting on May 23 at 16:00 at the Bethanie Guesthouse. For further details contact Ina de Klerk, Tel 063 683521, 081 2743860,ina.deklerk@gmail.com.

Kalkplato FA is hosting a Braai Day at Witbooisvlei on May 24, 2014. This is a rib and sausage braai competition and the theme is “Braai on Safari”. For further details contact Grete Wiesner, Tel 081 1276103, glh@mweb.com.na.

Westelike Khomas FA is hosting a farmers day on May 27 at 08:30 at the Harmonie hall. Danie van Niekerk of Virbac talks about reproduction of large stock and the importance of de-worming, Louisa van Wyk talks about liver sample analysis and the importance of spore elements and Petri Dames talks about large stock feed. For further details contact Wickus Esterhuizen, Tel 062 572315, 081 2417581,hurebsuid@gmail.com.

Summerdown FA is holding a member meeting on May 27 at 14:00 at the FA HALL. Guest speaker is Mr Piet Visser of NamPower. For further details contact Sunette Blaauw, Tel 081 2935120, welverdiend@iway.na.

Koës FA is hosting its annual sports day on May 31 at the Koës FA grounds. Sport varieties include clay pigeon shooting, bow shooting, paintball, golf, cycling, running, jukskei as well as driving skills. For the children there is entertainment like donkey cart riding, jumping castles and a children program. Big prizes can be won. For further details contact Anna-Marié de Villiers, Tel 081 2409509 of Hentie Dames, Tel 081 1282578.

The Simmentaler/Simbra breeders are holding a farmers day on June 3 at 09:00 at Farm Ouparakane of Mr Martin Harms in the Hochfeld vicinity. Communal, emerging and commercial farmers are welcome. Lectures will be given about animal feed, cattle sicknesses, fertility of cows and selection of young bulls. For further details contact M Harms, Tel 081 2928753, outeesim@iway.na or H Kruger, Tel 081 2964280, simnamibia@gmail.com.

The Meatmaster Breeders Association of Namibia is offering a Junior, Senior and Examiner course on 3 & 4 June at 09:00 at Gellap East near Keetmanshoop. The course is inter alia offered by Clynton Collett, Henk Kearny, Mario du Preez and other well known persons. The costs are N$350 per person. For further enquiries contact Malinda Steyn, Tel 081 3332873, saamstan@hotmail.com.

Gamsberg FA is holding a meeting on June 4 at 14:00 for 14:30 at the FA hall. Guest speakers are a Vet from Windhoek Animal Hospital and Mr Jaco van Zyl of Cipla Agrimed. Please register before May 28 with Rozanne van Rensburg, Tel 081 1419892,gamsbergbv@gmail.com.

The Limousin Breeders Association of Namibia is hosting a judging course at Hochfeld on June 11 & 12, 2014. The course is offered by Messrs Willie Grobler and Barend Dorfling and the costs are N$750 per person. For further details contact Ellie Lottering, Tel 081 2116611, franseli@iway.na.

A cattle information day will be held on June 19 at 09:00 at Farm Neu Otjisauona of Katja, Diethelm, Nikolai and Nicola Metzger. Guest speakers are intr alia Fred Dell, Derek Wright, the president of the NAU, Adv Rukoro of Meatco, Llewelyn Angus and Thys Meyer. For further details contact Diethelm and Katja Metzger, Tel 062 503732, diethelm@kamab-simbra.comor Hennie Kruger, Tel 081 2964280.

Maltahöhe FA is holding a member meeting on June 25 at 09:00 at Farm Kachauchab of Mr Christian Otto. Speakers are Dr Diana van Schalkwyk who will talk about profitability of venison production and Mrs Letitia du Plessis who will take about estate planning. For further details contact Christian Otto, Tel 063 293512, 081 2269518, ottojagd@iway.na