
  Kids’ movies kick off greatly

Home Youth Corner   Kids’ movies kick off greatly


WINDHOEK– The first screening of the first children movie, Mwansa, by the AfricAvenir/Franco-Namibian Cultural Centre (FNCC) on Saturday has been described as “lovely” by the organisers.

AfricAvenir and the Franco Namibian Cultural Centre (FNCC) has started a monthly African Film Series for Children and Youth, hoping to inspire young imaginations. The films will be inspiring, entertaining and educative at the same time.The attendance, at the first movie, Mwansa the Great by Rungano Nyoni from Zambia, has been described  as great with the kids excited. A short talk was held with the kids after the film, on what the film is all about and on what inspires them as kids, among others. While trying to prove he is a hero, Mwansa, an eight- year-old boy does the unforgivable and accidently breaks his sister’s magic mud doll. He goes on a quest not only to fix it, but to finally prove that he is ‘Mwansa the Great’.

“We encouraged them, as Mwansa in the film, to dream big, and believe in oneself. As director of AfricAvenir I am very proud that we have kicked off this project and that we can be inspiring for others and show young Namibian kids and youth great African movies and help them to grow their fantasies, dreams and be inspired to tell their own stories one day,” says Hans-Christian Mahnke. “I must say, for AfricAvenir, we are inspired by the films and by the kids and the smiles and content we saw in their eyes and faces today. This was heart warming and the very reason we began this project,” he adds.

The next screening is “Once upon a time in Africa. Timbuktu”, a  Kenyan movie on June 7 and June, “O Grande Bazaar”, Mozambique, on July 5 and “Lezare” & “Zebu and the Photofish”, Ethiopia & Uganda/Kenya on  August 2.