
What is the World’s Children’s Prize Programme?

Home Youth Corner What is the World’s Children’s Prize Programme?


The World’s Children’s Prize is an education programme for you and all other children! The goal is a more humane world, where children’s rights are respected by all.

Every year, three Child Rights Heroes are selected by the WCP Child Jury to be candidates for the World’s Children’s Prize for the Rights of the Child. By the time the awards are presented, millions of children have learned about the rights of the child and democracy. The WCP programme ends with children all over the world voting for their Child Rights Hero in a Global Vote. Up to 7.1 million children have voted in previous years. Doyou want to join them?

Step 1: The World’s Children’s Prize is launched

The programme kicks off with children all over the world presenting the annual Child Rights Heroes – the nominees for the prize – as well as talking about whether the rights of the child are respected where they live, and in their country as a whole. Why not invite local media representatives to a World’s Children’s Press Conference? Or you could hold an opening ceremony at your school on a day of your choice. Remember, only children should lead the press conferences and ceremonies. Adults are there to listen!

Step 2: The rights of the child in your life

Are the rights of the child respected in your life and the lives of your friends? At home, at school and in your country? Read the fact sheet about the rights of the child in your country, which comes with The Globe magazine. You can also download it at worldschildrensprize.org. Discuss how things should be and prepare a presentation for parents, teachers, politicians, other adults and the media. How about starting a WCP Child Rights Club at your school?



Step 3: The rights of the child in the world

The rights of the child apply to all children, everywhere. Learn more through meeting the Child Jury, the Child Rights Heroes and the children they fight for. Learn about girls’ rights here and in the Globe Magazine. Find out what life is like for the world’s children.


Step 4: Prepare your Global Vote

Set a date for your Global Vote and prepare everything you need for a democratic election, with inspiration from other children who have voted. Invite the media, parents, politicians – anyone who wants to experience your Global Vote and celebrations!


Step 5: Global Vote Day

Vote first and then celebrate with a party and some performances! Report the result of your vote via the ballot box at worldschildrensprize.org.


Step 6: The big announcement!

Children reveal who has been chosen through the Global Vote to receive the World’s Children’s Prize for the Rights of the Child, on the same day all over the world. Invite the media in your area to a World’s Children’s Press Conference, or gather your whole school to announce the results. You can also talk about improvements in respect for the rights of the child that you would like to see.


Step 7: The grand finale! 

The programme concludes with an Award Ceremony led by the Child Jury at Gripsholm Castle in Mariefred, Sweden. All three Child Rights Heroes are honoured and receive prize money towards their work with children. H.M. Queen Silvia of Sweden helps the children of the Jury to present the awards. Many schools organise their own closing ceremony, where they celebrate the Child Rights Heroes and the rights of the child. Some of them also invite parents, politicians and the media to a World’s Children’s Prize evening event for the rights of the child, and show the video from the Award Ceremony. (Source:www/worldchildrenprize.org)