
Fashion in motion with blogger, Sean Kamati

Home Art Life Fashion in motion with blogger, Sean Kamati

By Selma Neshiko


There are not really many bloggers in Namibia and when I first came across the Vakwetu style blog, I was eager to know the person behind this fashion blog.

Vakwetu style is an African street style and fashion blog showcasing trends, styles and outfits being worn on the streets of Africa. The blog also covers African fashion designers, fashion events happening in Africa, style tips, personal styling consultations and almost everything required to look and feel great. One of the main people behind this fascinating blog is Sean Kamati, a young fella who’s outto revolutionize the local fashion scene. He takes time  from updating their blog to give Selma Neshiko  some insight on the blog, the people behind it, inspiration and how a typical day is in the life of a fashion lover.

Tell us more about yourself?

I am a fashion blogger (stylist), musician and I also happen to work in advertising. I am indeed a lover of life and most things fabulous. Not all! I have seen plenty of non-fab “fabulous things”. I have always loved fashion. I admit that some of my choices have not always been the best but it has always been a part of my life. I grew up in very fashionable family. My parents are indeed fashion forces to be reckoned with.

How did the idea for your blog come about?

Vakwetu Style is an evolving fashion brand of which the blog is one manifestation. Niita Emvula founded the blog in 2010 to express her love for fashion and also seeing a lack of online African fashion platforms during her travels.  I joined in 2012 and it’s been history in the making ever since.

What inspires you to blog?

The love of fashion and style

What appeals to you about blogging, and how often do you post?

Blogging is a quick way to reach a big audience, and to get feedback from fans anywhere. Apart from Namibia, and the rest of Africa, our strongest following is the United States (US) and to our surprise we are making serious inroads in China.

What is a typical day in the life of a fashionista?

Keeping one’s eyes open for the next best thing.

Are you writing freelance for any other fashion publications, or do you prefer to concentrate solely on your blog for the time?

Solely for Vakwetu, we are focusing on having the Vakwetu brand on the lips of everyone.  It’s bigger than the blog. Vakwetu is a brand to be reckoned with.

What were some of the difficulties you first encountered when trying to establish an audience, build up the site, find your niche etc?

Good blogging takes time to learn. There a many aspects to it like the website, choosing a platform, getting pictures, building your audience. It’s hard work and it takes time. It’s not difficult but yes it’s a challenge and it takes a lot of persistence and patience. You just have to be clear on your angle and focus on it and you have to enjoy it otherwise there is no point.

Did you consult any mentors or guides to make the process a little easier?

Niita, the founder of the blog, is still very much involved as the creative director and editor in chief. She has passed on a lot of knowledge and provides guidance in my growth as a fashion blogger. She is one stylish lady too.

Does fashion matter?

Fashion is a billion dollar industry. Who does not wear clothes? So fashion matters. But for us it’s not about running after the latest fashion trends but it’s about developing one’s sense of style cause clothes are a language and we constantly use clothes to express something, and at Vakwetu we are providing a window into what Africans are expressing as well.

What’s your favourite fashion trend at the moment?

Prints and crop tops.

Give us one good reason why we should follow your blog?

Vakwetu Style is so popular for a reason: its fabulous fashion source for men and women that do it with style. And did we mention our events?

What advice would you give to aspiring bloggers?

Be an expert in what you are blogging about. You always need to be on  top of your game, regarding trends, designers, events, etc. Have fun with it but if you are planning on making money out of it, remember to treat it as a business. Don’t forget if you feel you have something to blog about, no matter how irrelevant you may deem it to be, go for it.


1.    Describe yourself in one word: Dynamic

2.    Biggest accomplishment to date: Make it Vakwetu related

3.    Can’t leave home without: Cellphone

4.    Top spot on your goals list: to accomplish the Vakwetu Style agenda. It’s a fabulous one and more will be revealed in time.

5.  The best thing about being a blogger: You are constantly surrounded by fashion.

Follow Vakwetu style along the journey………..

Twitter: @vakwetu

Blog: http:www.vakwetu.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vakwetustyle