
Exhibit to the benefit of Dias ends tomorrow

Home Art Life Exhibit to the benefit of Dias ends tomorrow


WINDHOEK– Over fifty artists donated their artworks, paintings, photographs, sculptures and ceramics to The National Art Gallery of Namibia (NAGN) for “Moments of Light” exhibition, an exhibition to support Dias Machate, a Sculptor and Ceramicist.

The exhibition is conceived of as a way to mobilise support from the entire visual art community. The initiative came about when a well known artist, Dias Machate, a gifted sculptor and ceramicist, suffered a stroke early this year and has since  been unable to work, walk or speak. The NAGN recently established the Dias Machate Benefit Fund to assist him to enjoy better medical care and home care.

The exhibition poses an opportunity to collectively reflect on capacity to produce moments of light, not only for ourselves but also for those around us. All proceeds from the exhibition will go to the Dias Machate Benefit Fund. Originally from Mozambique, Machate participated in TulipamweInternational Artists’Workshopin 1994 where his amazing versatility as sculptor, and his practical knowledge of alternative clay firing methods, inspired local artists. Soon afterwards he accepted a contract post at the University of Namibia (UNAM)as lecturer in three dimensional studies. Machate stayed on to make Namibia his home. He also taught ceramics, sculpture and drawing at the College of the Artsat the Katutura Community Art Centreand at John Muafangeyo Arts Centre (JMAC), where he inspired young artists and helped shape many successful careers.

Machate is a well liked name on the local and international workshop scene where he is admired for his remarkable artistic abilities, his personal kindness and his readiness to share. The exhibition ends tomorrow.