
New entrance for B2Gold under construction

Home Business New entrance for B2Gold under construction

AS approved by the Namibian Roads Authority, B2Gold Namibia has begun the expansion of the B1 National Highway at the Otjikoto Gold Mine entrance. B2Gold describes the project as a vital component of the overall construction of the mine as the entrance will facilitate safe entry and exit to the mine from the national road over the long term.

The expansion of the B1 includes earthworks on both sides of the highway and a widening of the tarred surface in the area.

As a result heavy machinery is currently operating in the vicinity.

“All efforts are being made to complete the works as quickly as possible and to keep any inconvenience caused to an absolute minimum,” said the mine’s spokesperson, Gretha du Plessis.

The location of the entrance is 72km north of Otjiwarongo en route to Otavi (46km south of Otavi) on the B1. Road users are cautioned as the highway has been reduced to a single lane at that point for a distance of 600m.

Flagmen, warning signs and speed reduction signs have been appropriately signposted.

A pilot car, in conjunction with stop/go control, is being utilized permanently to escort vehicles along the single lane.

B2Gold Namibia regrets any inconvenience caused by these works and appeals for patience and safe driving.

By Staff Reporter