
  Shishani’s  video proves popular on You Tube

Home Art Life   Shishani’s  video proves popular on You Tube

By Pinehas Nakaziko

– Shishani’s catchy, upbeat, acoustic-track music video, Undefended, is currently attracting more viewers on You Tube and garnering gone up to 2,606 viewers this week.

Released three weeks ago, it calls for freedom and equality for all people despite perceived differences. The music video stands out in its call for equal rights and acceptance of everyone pushed to the margins.  Shishani’s soulful singing in the video makes the urgency of the message clearly beautiful as she harps out “Try, try to embrace me, leave to embrace me inside. Stay, stay to fulfil me for my loves undefended”, while Tonetic lay down a thick and perfectly accented groove with “You have so many secrets, speak of them as always, promise them forever that you will never miss me,” seeing him in an incredible synchronising harmony.

The video is directed by Jana Eleanor Brückner, and is shot and edited by Endemic Productions. The song is recorded at NBC Studio 6.  “My music is becoming more popular in Namibia. I’ve been working hard and trying to make my mark, so, I feel stronger. It is an honour to be viewed as a role model. So, if I can contribute to the movement through my music, I’m happy to, and I will.”