
Suspected robbers denied bail

Home Crime and Courts Suspected robbers denied bail

WINDHOEK – Two Windhoek residents suspected of carrying out a spate of robberies in  Pioneers Park in the capital were denied bail in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court on Tuesday.

Magistrate Jermaine Muchali Muchali told 22-year-old Shaanika Nkandi and 24-year-old Hango Jonas they have the right to apply for bail formally, either on their own or by hiring a private lawyer. Although they are suspected of carrying out numerous robberies, they have been charged with two counts of robbery with aggravating circumstances. 

It is alleged the two accused carried out their first robbery armed with a gun and a knife on April 17 in Pioneers Park. They allegedly used force to rob the complainant of his iPhone 4 and backpack containing 14 textbooks. The total value of the stolen items was estimated at N$6 500. None of the items was recovered. 

The second charge relates to a robbery carried out on Friday, April 18 at Shangrila Park Complex in Pioneers Park at about 18h30. Threatening the female complainant with a knife and a gun the two accused robbed her of her backpack. The contents and value were not divulged. 

According to the police report the complainant described the robbers to the City Police and said that she knew them. She told the police that during the robbery she screamed and the two accused ran away into the nearby bushes. 

The City Police arrested the two accused on April 19 and handed them over to the Namibian Police. 

After they were informed of the charges against them and their right to legal representation, they informed Muchali that they would represent themselves.

Even after Muchali advised them that they faced a serious offence which could result in many years behind bars if convicted, they remained adamant about defending themselves. The matter was then postponed to May 30 for further investigation.

State Prosecutor Verinao Kamahene objected to bail stating that the investigation was still at a sensitive stage and as the accused knew the second complainant there was a fear that they may interfere with state witnesses.

The magistrate stressed that a knife and a gun were used in the commissioning of the crimes, which is not in the interest of the public, and the suspects were a danger to society. Kamahene told the court that it was very fortunate that the complainants escaped the ordeal without injuries.

By Roland Routh