
Revamped maternity ward inaugurated

Home Featured Revamped maternity ward inaugurated

WINDHOEK- The Special Advisor to the Minister of Health and Social Services, Dr Naftali Hamata, officially inaugurated the maternity ward of the Windhoek Central Hospital, which was renovated at a cost of over N$37 million. 

The Windhoek Central Hospital Maternity Ward was iniatially commissioned in 1974 before it received the recent facelift. In a speech delivered on his behalf by Dr Hamata, the Minister of Health and Social Services Dr Kamwi encouraged all expectant mothers to start attending anti-natal clinics from three months of pregnancy to be examined, tested and to be offered valuable health education. “They must also ensure that the delivery in health facilities to ensure they give birth to healthy babies,” he said. Hamata called on all patients to follow instructions given to them following their discharge from hospital to ensure optimal health. “This is important advice to follow if this country is to keep mothers and their babies alive,” said Dr Hamata. The ministry has investigated the causes of mother and infant mortality and the findings were that deliveries at home have increased and patients report too late to health facilities. According to the health ministry all efforts will be made to equip all health facilities adequately and to continue to train health personnel to deliver quality care to patients.

Dr Hamata further commended First National Bank, which donated linen consisting of bath and hand towels, cot sheets, bed sheets, duvet covers and blankets amongst many other items worth almost N$600 000. He said the bank has also pledged to open savings bank accounts for the first 100 babies born in the upgraded ward. He said the ministry needs additional room for the proper filing of patient records, high care rooms for close observation of pregnant and post-natal patients with complications, as well as a second maternity theatre. According to Hamata the centre needs to be expanded to the neonatal care unit to accommodate the high number of referrals from the whole country and also to establish a maternity pharmacy to avoid delays in patient treatment regimens.


By Kuzeeko Tjitemisa