
Nigerian president honoured

Home National Nigerian president honoured

WINDHOEK – President Hifikepunye Pohamba bestowed the only medal on visiting President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria Goodluck Jonathan, during the country’s 24th independence celebrations on Friday in the capital. 

President Jonathan was conferred the Order of the Most Ancient Welwitschia Mirabilis First Class medal for his country’s role and financial assistance to Namibians during the struggle for independence. President Hifikepunye Pohamba said Namibia as a nation, shall continue to work hand in hand with sister nations in SADC, the AU, the United Nations and other international forums to promote and maintain global peace and security, and sustainable development. Addressing the nation during the 24th independence celebrations, the Head of State told the gathering that Namibia will continue to stand firm in solidarity with the peoples of Western Sahara and Palestine until they too are able to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination. During the welcoming of president Jonathan at State House on Thursday, Pohamba echoed the same solidarity message saying globilisation is a complex process, but Namibia recognises the need for African regional economic communities such as SADC and ECOWAS to work towards greater economic integration.

“Integration is the pillar for Africa’s realisation of its Agenda 2063, which is aimed at bringing about complete and lasting peace and security, industrialization, development and prosperity,” he said. Pohamba said the world is tormented by war, civil unrest and the growing threat of terrorism. “In this regard, it is critical for Africa to pursue the reform of the United Nations System, especially the Security Council, in order to make it more democratic and representative. At this juncture, I would like to congratulate Nigeria for being elected as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council for the period 2014 to 2015. I am confident that with your leadership, Nigeria will utilise this opportunity to promote Africa’s interests and global peace and security,” he said.

Turning to matters at home Pohamba said the Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) recently completed the general registration of voters. This he said will facilitate the compilation of a new voters’ roll, which will be used in the Presidential and National Assembly Elections later this year. “I commend the Electoral Commission for its good work. I also commend all Namibians who fulfilled their civic duty and registered as voters. Those eligible voters who were unable to register, and those Namibians who will turn 18 years of age by September 2014, will be able to register during the supplementary registration process in September. I urge them all to register,” the president said. Pohamba said Namibians must harness all the resources that the country is endowed with in order to eradicate poverty, deliver quality services to all, expand infrastructure, and make Namibia a better society. “No Namibian must be left behind. All our people should have equal opportunity to realize their potential. Let us move forward together as a visionary nation towards 2030,” he said.


By Fifi Rhodes