
RDP decries Windhoek Municipality’s bankruptcy

Home Khomas RDP decries Windhoek Municipality’s bankruptcy

WINDHOEK – Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP) Secretary for Information and Publicity, Jeremiah Nambinga, has expressed serious concern about the future management of the Windhoek Municipality.

“RDP’s grave concern over the future management of the City of Windhoek stems from the fact that this is the first time in the history of the City of Windhoek, as far as RDP is concerned unless proved otherwise, that the city is declared bankrupt by the Office of the Auditor General,” he stated on Wednesday.

He was responding to media reports that the Windhoek Municipality was bankrupt.

Nambinga said Windhoek has been rated as being among the most financially stable and professionally run  cities, which served as a good example to other cities on the African continent and beyond.

“Regrettably, however, the government in the course of its administration, decided to embark upon the appointment of senior managers of certain entities, including the municipalities, on the basis of patronage,” he added.

Nambinga further warned that the maintenance of good administration, particularly when it comes to municipalities cannot be achieved by patronage, adding that his party believes that sound management and high standards of performance can only be maintained if managers are appointed on merit.

“This shameful state of affairs, of the bankruptcy of the City of Windhoek, should serve as a serious example to politicians, particularly in the government, that appointments on the basis of patronage will destroy this country,” he stressed.