
Let the church of God be regulated

Home Opinions Let the church of God be regulated

Allow me a space in your esteemed newspaper to share my views in reference to the above title.

I am grateful for the wonderful work that law enforcement authorities are doing for the public around the country but I suggest more efforts should be done for our country that is ravaged by diverse corrupt practices.

The Bible has warned of wolves that shall come in sheep skins to steal kill and destroy and I hope law enforcement authorities will take heed of this warning and be vigilant of these soft robbery schemes and step up efforts that would restore the virtuous values of the Church. The police spend sleepless nights looking and searching for those who break into other people’s houses, however there are still in my opinion those who are involved in similar activities of robbing the poor in the name of Jesus that are seemingly overlooked because of the mighty name they hide under. Self imposed titles like ‘pastor’, ‘bishop,’ ‘reverend’ and ‘overseer’ are some of the perfect guises that unfortunately mislead our law enforcement agencies.

“Give to the Lord and the Lord will give you back in abundance,” or “Put your offering in the envelope and bring it for a prayer, God will increase your offering and intervene in your situation,” has become a common sermon in the name of the church of today.

My question is, do we have to pay God for him to intervene in our situations? I do not think so! Church founders have become overnight millionaires through this well calculated form of daylight robbery while their members become even poorer through ignorance of scriptural interpretation.

It is therefore time that our law makers draft legislation that will regulate church affairs before all of us embark on setting up churches as these projects found under this pretext have become the easiest money-making businesses in which one simply requires a few members who can sing and clap hands to start misleading the public and these are the very ‘pastors’ making mischievous headlines in newspapers on a daily basis.

We are living in a corrupt world and the love of money will always be the root cause of all sorts of evil. It therefore the duty of the State to safeguard its people and therefore the police should be allowed to investigate and crack down on every unregistered so-called church and prosecute their founders who would be found not to have the necessary credentials.

No matter how much they pay for school classroom rentals, the fact still remains the money comes from the poor man‘s pocket.

Adolf Hitler did it during the Holocaust era and you can also do it for the sake of your people. Thank you comrade Minister David Namwandi for refusing your schools to be turned into dubious hideouts for these unethical activities the name of Jesus Christ!

• Nelson Sitapata is a proponent for the true undiluted gospel of Jesus Christ and his views are not of any church denomination but his personal views.

By Nelson Sitapata