Engines roar at walvis dirt ovals

Home Front Page News Engines roar at walvis dirt ovals

THE dirt oval track season opened with a bang at Glens Oval Track in Walvis Bay, when once again an impressive line-up of race ready vehicles let rip in true ‘cowboy’ style on the grit surface.

An exhilarating all out dice between a field of 20 cars and a full track of six quads, which set a sizzling start to the 2014 National Dirt Championships,  has set a very high standard of motorsport competition in the country.

Hosted by the Walvis Bay Motor Club, the day’s event was a thrill a minute, with the  pits bristling with excitement as the machines in the various classes let the dirt fly around the 560 metre salt track – the only one in the country.

A non-stop racing programme which saw lots of action including a vehicle belonging to Johan Botes rolling, after the car lost control, got the crowds on their feet.

The Walvis Bay Motor Club has grown to become one of the strongest clubs in the country with top ranking competitors, and Allan Martin who holds the National Championship title for 2013, did not fail to please after winning the 4-cylinder category.

Dirt Ovals has been going since 2008 under the auspices of the NMSF, but the national championship series is becoming bigger and better each year, fuelled by a growing interest of competitors.

Dirt Oval Results 

4 Cyl 8V:

1 Michael Behnke

2 Gertjie Truter

3 Leonard Martin

4 Cyl 16V:

1 Allan Martin

2 Jan Everson

3 Michael Behnke

6&8 Cyl:

1 Frank Stein

2 Siggi Stein

3 Andre Oosthuizen

Mini Quads:

1 Jayden Hays

2 Tristan Dias

200cc Quads:

1 Zander Everson

Big Quads:

1 Dennis Jacobs

2 Michael Behnke

3 Joshua Amos

Rider of day – Zander Everson

Driver of the day – Grant Wentzel