
APP signs up new members in south

Home Hardap APP signs up new members in south

KALKRAND –  The All People Party (APP) President Ignatius Shixwameni welcomed new members to his party on Saturday at Kalkrand in the Hardap Region.

Shixwameni told the new APP members that the party “is for everyone” and therefore those joining the party should feel at home just like any other APP member. “People think that the APP is only for Okavangos but I am the only Okavango-speaking person in our leadership,” he said.

Among the new recruits are former members of the Congress of Democrats (CoD), DTA of Namibia, and Rally for Democracy and Progress (RDP). Shixwameni said the government has been ignoring the people of the south specifically residents of Kalkrand.

“For the past 24 years you have been ignored by the Swapo government but now is the time for change,” he said.

“The Swapo government has failed us. We have already given them 24 years to develop the country but they failed the nation, and enough is enough,” said the APP president at the Kalkrand meeting on Saturday

Shixwameni said money has gone missing “from left to right without anyone being held accountable’.

“This guys are not stealing biltong but millions of Namibian dollars which could have been spent on development,” he said.


By Kuzeeko Tjitemisa