
Young Designer Fashion Show enters third season

Home Art Life Young Designer Fashion Show enters third season

By Pinehas Nakaziko

– More than six brands such as Leni Clothing Line, M Creation, Proud Design, Dika Creations, Is Creations and  Ellys Investment top the list of a host of designers showcasing their fashion designs at the Protea Hotel Furtstenhorf Hotel tomorrow here.

Hendrina Shikalepo of Leni Clothing Line (LCL) says they started with their fashion shows earlier last year as a Young Designer Fashion Show, followed by season 2. Tomorrow they are entering season 3. “This shows our maturity and how we have grown our brands locally. Our brands are now recognised all over the country and this shows good results,” says Hendrina.

She adds that the show will be full with entertainment extravanganzas by different local artists performing on the night the Morango Crew, Benjex, Young T, Komesho and FTS Dancing to show their talents on the night, fashion lovers will have mouthful. Season Three Fashion Show is hosted under the theme “Emerging Visionaries in Fashion”. “The show has always been our glamorous events, which boost visibility and promotion of brands associated. The aim of our fashion shows is to provide a platform to creative designers to display their arts and equal opportunities for models to showcase their talent and boosting their confidence,” says Hendrina.

She adds that the event will open vast opportunities for young designers and models and it is an event that cannot be missed.

Furthermore, The Designer Fashion Show was initiated last year with a mission of providing a platform to the youths. The clear goal of the event is to endorse and encourage designers to grow their brands locally and internationally, to promote and market designers and models through fashion shows. “We feel that there is a need to create awareness about young designers to the general public and the whole Namibia at large. We also feel that young designers are creative and have good ideas and they need to showcase their talents. This is also to increase interest in the Fashion Industry in Namibia and appreciate what young Designers are doing,” says Hendrina.

She adds that the fashion show is also an effort to bring together best talents from across Namibia. The theme “Emerging Visionaries in Fashion” is inspired by Namibian material cultures. They will also be hosting awards at the ceremony in the category of Best Design, Best Male Model and Best Female Model. “Speaking from a point of an upcoming designer, I feel it is very hard for a single designer to host a big fashion show alone, considering the time and work involved, that’s why I came up with the idea of Namibian designers showcasing their garments together. The Namibian fashion industry is not grown yet and there is a need to assist young upcoming designers and to educate the Namibian youth about the importance of fashion in our lives,” says Hendrina.