President praises farm manager

Home Kavango West President praises farm manager

RUNDU – President Hifikepunye Pohamba visited the Musese Green Scheme project in the Kavango West Region on Monday to familiarize himself with its operations.

During the visit he was taken around the farm, from the water pump to the fields to familiarize himself with the operations and to gauge the progress achieved so far. The president was welcomed by the Minister of Agriculture, Water and Forestry, John Mutorwa, and by the leasehold owner of Musese, Tulio Parreira. Mutorwa briefed the president about the project before the tour started. “The Musese irrigation project is a government project though it was started by the NDC before independence and they are going to bring in the last component of small-scale farmers soon and ten houses for small-scale farmers will be built soon. We should expect that at the beginning of April 120 hectares will be reserved for small-scale farmers who will soon be selected according to the requirements.” However, it was not the first time for the president to visit the project. “I have been here may times and there was a time Musese became a forest and the last time I came here I found Mr Parreira very busy and he was doing well. He impressed me and today again I’m impressed by what Mr Parreira has done.  This is the implementation of a government decision,” he said.

President Pohamba said during his meeting earlier with the leadership of the Swapo Party in the Kavango West Region food production was among the topics he discussed with them. “I told them that we must do everything possible to encourage citizens wherever they are as leaders to produce food.” The president was visibly impressed and pleased with the progress made by small-scale farmers. “I was told that they were going to be given 8 hectares and that is a big land, but definitely if they work hard under the advise of people who have the technological know-how, I think these fields are big enough,” said Pohamba. “We are slowly but surely implementing the policy of the government on food production,” the president said, adding that people should be encouraged to produce food and all that is needed is hard work. He also spoke about the distribution of drought relief food, and said it is very unfortunate that many people do not want to work, because they expect the government to provide them with food, adding  “but the money spent on that food is tax payers money, which can be used to serve and attend to the needs of people, education, health and building of other economic infrastructure such as roads. Last year we spent a lot of money on drought relief food but it is correct to do so only if there is no rain.” He said more projects such as Musese are needed and urged all Namibians to work hard and not to rely on handouts.


By John Muyamba