
Christmas – What Will You Give?

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Petronella Sibeene Christmas time is in the air and the spirit is seen everywhere. The glittering lights along Independence Avenue, the trees trimmed all over, the people, the shopping bargains, the journeys to the North or to the coast, all those special “somethings”, all serve but to signify that time of the year when people have fun. The year has indeed gone very fast. For some, it has been a rough year, others might call it a blessed one, perhaps it has been better than the previous one in terms of what they have received financially, and also healthwise. Regardless of how you would describe this year that ends in the next two weeks, it seems Christmas time is the only chance that we have in a year for great fun. But what are you willing to give this celebration season? Well, for a start, a dinner on the outskirts of Katutura or out of town would not be that bad in the company of your neighbour or close family friends that you never had time with in the year. All in the name of thanksgiving. For a simple person, you could take a stroll in the park with friends. Visiting a different place with your family members or friends would give you a different yet memorable feeling. While we have fun and show our love and appreciation to those close to us, it would be good to also instil that sense of sharing in those we might not necessarily know. The past few weeks have been good for orphans and vulnerable children compared to other months of the year. Companies have come out in response to the plight of these children. Christmas parties have been organised and small gifts highly appreciated have been received. Though to some it might sound like “a none of our responsibility” matter, I think that while we have set aside a handsome amount for our braai packs, boerewors and booze among other party goods, we should also think of those without anything. I remember last weekend, I found myself at the UN Plaza in Katutura; there was some civil organisation campaign gathering focusing on “Make Poverty History”. And there were the four boys aged roughly between five and nine. Their faces looked frail and sent a message of being in need of care. This of course is not a peculiar case to Katutura but even when we walk the streets of Windhoek, children begging for a dollar approach us. And to be honest, most of the times, we tend to overlook and by-pass these children even when we have the money in our purses and wallets. As a period of giving, may we spare a thought for those who might not be privileged in some way or the other. Remember, for it is in giving that we receive. Without any slight degree of doubt, the year 2006 will be full of blessings. Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to all who have and are planning to stick a smile onto those whose pain is never done, and the anguish never dies. Eewa!