
Swapo Assigns Regional Leaders

Home Archived Swapo Assigns Regional Leaders

By Emma Kakololo WINDHOEK SWAPO has come up with a new list of national leaders assigned to the regions, following instances where some leaders conducted irregular conferences in regions that were not assigned to them. A classical example is the district conference that was held at Okahandja on October 08 in the absence of its leaders, thereby breaching party regulations, amongst others. Party insiders questioned the objectivity of leaders of the party in presiding over a conference with the majority only of one section, stating that it was a deliberate move to ensure that only certain members of Swapo were elected to become delegates to the Swapo Party Congress in 2007. Minister of Trade and Industry Immanuel Ngatjizeko, who was never informed about the Okahandja conference, retains his position as Chairperson of Otjozondjupa, while Justice Deputy Minister Uutoni Nujoma remains a member together with Leon Jooste, the Deputy Minister of Environment and Tourism. The Minister of Lands, Resettlement and Rehabilitation Jerry Ekandjo has been moved to Omatako special area as chairperson, with former Speaker MosÃÆ’Æ‘Æ‘ÃÆ”šÃ‚© Tjitendero, Ponhele ya France and Peya Mushelenga as other leaders. In the Omusati Region, the Minister of Finance Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila is the chairperson, assisted by Philemon Malima, Doreen Sioka and Petrina Haingura. The Hardap Region has been assigned to the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah as chairperson, to be assisted by Reggie Diergaardt, Paul Smith and Lucia Basson. The Minister of Works, Transport and Communication, JoÃÆ’Æ‘Æ‘ÃÆ”šÃ‚«l Kaapanda is to chair the Caprivi Region, assisted by Charles Namoloh, the Defence Minister and Raphael Dinyando, the Deputy Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Victor Simunja, the Deputy Minister of Defence and Albert Kawana, the Minister for Presidential Affairs. Foreign Affairs Minister Marco Hausiku will chair the Kavango Region, with the assistance of John Mutorwa, the Minister of Youth, National Service, Sport and Culture, Rosalia Nghidinwa the Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services, Richard Kamwi the Health Minister and Eunice Iipinge. Deputy Prime Minister Libertina Amathila is the chairperson of Kunene South, assisted by Moses Amweelo, Alpheus !Naruseb and Eveline !Nawases. Kunene North: Education Minister Nangolo Mbumba (chairperson), Petrus Iilonga, Angelika Muharukua, Chief Ankama and Helmut Angula, the Director General of the National Planning Commission (NPC). Ohangwena: Erkki Nghimtina (chairperson), Lempy Lucas, Hadino Hishongwa and Mzee Simon Kaukungwa. Omaheke: MP Hage Geingob (chairperson), Pohamba Shifeta, Clara Bohitile, Bernard Esau and Dr Becky Ndjoze-Ojo, the Deputy Education Minister. Oshikoto: Justice Minister Pendukeni Iivula-Ithana (chairperson), John Shaetonhodi, Elia Kaiyamo and Tomy Nambahu. Erongo: Safety and security Minister Peter Tshirumbu Tsheehama (chairperson), Tjekero Tweya, Marlene Mungunda, Hans Booys and Risto Kapenda. Karas: MP Hidipo Hamutenya (chairperson), Abraham Iyambo, Willem Konjore, Ida Hoffman and Hansina Christiaan. Oshana: Gabes Shihepo (chairperson), Loide Kasingo, Clemens Kashuupulwa and Kandy Nehova. Khomas: Swapo Chief Whip Ben Amathila (chairperson), Nickey Iyambo and Alexia Manombe-Ncube. Tsumkwe Special Area: Kazenambo Kazenambo (chairperson), Teopolina Mushelenga, Isaak Katali, Kaire Mbuende and Royal UIO /OO/ JK. Windhoek east Special area: Prime Minister Nahas Angula (chairperson), Mathew Shikongo, City of Windhoek Mayor and Hartmut Ruppel.