
Avis Sluice Gates Open

Home Archived Avis Sluice Gates Open

By Sbu Mjikeliso WINDHOEK In what could easily be mistaken for a political march, masses of environmental enthusiasts stood in the blazing heat to witness the release of water from Avis Dam yesterday. A full contingent of policemen was on hand to monitor the proceedings to ensure the safety of the people and children. The event had obvious monumental bearing to these people who sacrificed a quiet Sunday morning to treat their families to what was expected to be a thrilling experience. “I always enjoy watching flowing water, the experience has not been too bad,” said an onlooker who gave his name as Markus Weiss. However, if you were expecting a tsunami you would have been very disappointed. When the water was eventually released the small trickle that flowed past was nothing more than an anti-climax. And with that came the conclusion of a morning spent in the sun. The volume of the water that quenched the thirst of the parched terrain didn’t seem to bother some eager fanatics though. They took the onus onto themselves to create some fun after the situation got dull – by rafting on the water. One waits to see if the opening of the dam would have any significant impact on the eco-system of the area.