
Speaker Shares History on Death of Coretta King

Home Archived Speaker Shares History on Death of Coretta King

By Frederick Philander WINDHOEK “THIS sad moment in American history, marking the passing on of the great Coretta Scott-King reminds me of the decade of the roaring 60’s, especially 1963. We all remember that year of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and Dr Martin Luther King’s I have a dream speech.” This is how the Speaker of the National Assembly, Theo-Ben Gurirab, yesterday described the death of Coretta Scott-King in the condolences book at the American Cultural Centre. “Coretta Scott-King courageously walked in those unfolding historical events alongside her sainted husband. Linkages of mutual support and solidarity were forged then and endure to this day. I got to know the King family and treasure many fond memories of life and experiences shared together. The Montgomery bus boycott of 1955 in the USA and Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf’s presidency of Liberia invoke strong Pan-Africanist roots,” National Assembly Speaker Gurirab wrote in the book of condolences. “I lived through that eventful decade of the 1960’s and beyond in the USA and at the United Nations. I am therefore proud when I recall the shared memories , achievements and celebration of victories. The global struggle for peace and development, but also against war and poverty continues. It is this struggle of human rights and peaceful co-existence in the world that have preoccupied Coretta Scott-King until her last breath. We salute the enduring legacy and express sympathy and condolences to the bereaved family,.” Gurirab said.