
Road Charges Under Fire

Home Archived Road Charges Under Fire

By William J. Mbangula OSHAKATI The mass distance charges (MDC) due to be implemented beginning Saturday were roundly condemned by some business and heavy-duty vehicle owners as a plot to exploit them financially. Speaking at the information meeting here that was attended by the Road Fund Authority Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Penda Kiiyala and MDC Project Manager Arthur Loftie-Eaton, some business people were agitated by the decision to charge them considering the fact that they have apparently not been consulted by the RFA. ” If the decision was taken already by Cabinet and is being imposed on us, what is the purpose of coming to us now?” some people had wanted to know. They accused the system of being too complicated with a lot of loopholes and elements of exploitation. There were also those who felt that the system is almost ten years ahead of the ordinary people’s understanding. Reacting to comments from the audience, Kiiyala, the RFA’s CEO, urged those who have grievances with the principles and implementation of the MDC to put their concerns in writing and to forward them to him. He said that what he was implementing came from Cabinet chambers as per decision of November 2005. ” If we want roads, we need to pay for them. There are no two ways about it. We will continue to implement the current system until further changes are effected if need be,” Kiiyala noted. He added that the intention of the MDC is not to exploit the nation financially or otherwise but to provide service to the nation. ” I know it is not easy to pay for the service but that is the only way we can go in order to provide service to the people,” Kiiyala noted.