
Hangala Bows Out

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By Kuvee Kangueehi Windhoek Chief Executive Officer of NamPower Dr Leake Hangala will step down tomorrow after being at the power utility for over 10 years. Hangala yesterday through a circular informed his staff that his final day would be tomorrow. The announcement brings an end to a tussle that seems to have development between Hangala and the NamPower Board of Directors. Speaking to New Era yesterday, Hangala said the board informed him that his contract would not be renewed, noting that it did not give him any reasons and refused to speculate on reasons for not getting his contract renewed. The outgoing CEO also refused to speak about his future plans, saying that he had not thought about them. Approached for comment the NamPower Board Chairperson Andries Leevi Hungamo confirmed the board’s decision not to renew Hangala’s contract. “Yes, we have informed him that his contract will not be renewed.” Hungamo added that the board has not yet identified a new CEO for the power utility but said the process to find a suitable candidate is nearing completion. “We have interviewed five candidates as reported in the media and made recommendations to government at high level, cabinet, and we are awaiting a response from them.” The candidates reported are Paulinus Shilamba of the ECB; G. Enkara, formerly of Namdeb; Steve Haihambo of the Roads Contractor Company; B. Wessels, employed by Pupkewitz; and Hangala. He said the board has also made contact with the number one candidate and is still trying to reach an agreement. He added that although the board has made its recommendation through the Minister of Mines and Energy Erikki Nghimtina, they expect the answer from government. “It will be ideal to get the answer from the line minister but any authoritative person in government can provide the answer.” The Nampower board chairman also declined to name the person who will act as CEO while the company is hunting for Hangala’s successor. “If Friday comes you will know.” Last week, it was reported that cabinet had rejected a recommendation by the board of NamPower on the appointment of Hangala’s replacement after it questioned the integrity of the process. The Namibian newspaper reported that late last year, Hangala was acquitted on internal disciplinary charges levelled against him by the board of the parastatal, a move seen in some quarters as a bid to oust him. The board had taken Hangala to task on grounds that he exceeded his powers by approving a N$65-million electricity upgrade contract. Hangala’s contract expired last year and was renewed until March of this year while the post was re-advertised. A committee composed of the following NamPower board members: Andries Leevi Hungamo, State House advisor and chairperson of the board; Gerson Narib from the Attorney General’s office; Penda Kiiyala of the Road Fund administration; Rauna Hanghuwo of the Roads Authority and Pedro Maritz, consultant; and joined by the Permanent Secretary of Mines and Energy, Joseph Iita and the Permanent Secretary of Health, Dr Kalumbi Shangula, interviewed and short listed the candidates for approval by Cabinet.