The ex-TCL employees are in the darkness about their surplus N$116 million which was used by Goldfield South Africa, and which was supposed to be given back to the employees when TCL closed its operations in 1998. The union was involved in claiming that money in order that the money be paid to the workers. The article in Die Republikein in 1998 said that the ex-TCL employees were going to benefit from more than N$116 million – and that has never happened. But when Ongopolo, the company that took over TCL’s operations, was going to reopen the operations, the union told the members or the ex-TCL employees, that due to the TCL liquidation the union suffered financially, therefore they were encouraged to be patient until they start working and make a contribution to the union again so that they can acquire a lawyer in order to claim their N$116 million. When the work started the union did not want to help them. Later on the union said that there was no tracing, meaning that, for example, the footsteps that were supposed to be followed disappeared due to the rainfall. As the ex’s were not satisfied with the information given to them, they went to the union about what exactly happened to their pension, it was on the 17th November 2005. They were told to come back to the union for feedback. On the 10th of January 2006, they went to the MUN office for feedback and the feedback was as follows: There were many parties involved in the N$116 million pension. Government and Standard Bank … their money to become a shareholders, if the operation reopens, but the union that represented workers, they kept them in darkness. The final judgement was made in the high court, to request the creditors to write off their debts owed by TCL and the union to compromise the N$116 million of its members without consulting them. As the ex-TCL employees wanted the proof of who exactly wrote the letter to compromise the N$116 million and which ministry or department in the government was involved, they did request the union to go to court to have access to final judgement, but the union refused the employees/members who found it very strange, now they want the union to explain in detail about the information/the outcome of the final judgment. All we want to know is: 1. Who exactly wrote the letter to support Gold-field’s application to use the surplus N$116 million? 2. Who exactly wrote the letter to compromise our money without consulting us? The ex-TCL employees, they went themselves to the high court and to the master of the high court where they found the last recorded matter involving TCL – but the file was missing. The government and the director of Ongopolo should call the ex-TCL employees and explain what happened to their pension. It is very strange because it is difficult to understand how Ongopolo employees got/became shareholders. The union said it is because of their compromised money the workers of Ongopolo became shareholders but shares are empty promises; but now the question is what about those who are not employed by Ongopolo? Ongopolo management said Ongopolo got started because individuals put money on the table and as it was not enough those individuals went to the bank and to the government, and the money was enough and then Ongopolo got started. Where is our N$116 million? We hope that the Anti-Corruption Commission will do something about this because this document is available at their office. Ex-TCL Employees
2006-05-122024-04-23By Staff Reporter