
Soldier On, Hardap Staffers Urged

Home Archived Soldier On, Hardap Staffers Urged

By Hoandi !Gaeb Mariental Staff members of the Hardap Regional Council have been urged not to abandon their duties and responsibilities due to the suspension of senior personnel, but to continue to deliver to the best of their ability. Addressing staff and council members at the regional headquarters at Mariental on Friday, Governor Katrina Hanse called on all members to forget the negative reports plaguing the council of late, but to pick up the pieces and move forward as best as they can. The governor said since the beginning of this year some staff members did not live up to the expectations of the council in particular and the people of the Hardap Region in general. They instead deliberately elected to undermine the statutory provisions in respect of the authority and powers of the council. She said she decided to convene a joint meeting of the staff and council in order to clarify the functions of the council and those of its staff. She added that the role of the council and staff members is clear and must be adhered to at all times. “We are here to deliver service to our community and to bring government closer to the people of the Hardap Region, therefore we should not leave any stone unturned in our drive to work for our people.” She further stressed that the success of the Hardap Regional Council depends entirely on the commitment of all stakeholders and urged all involved to support that vision. “We must work as a team and partners in the regional governance and strive by all means to be exemplary in the performance of our duty.” The governor also advised the councillors at the meeting that as elected political representatives they should as from now on take their duties seriously and put the interests of the council first before their own interests. She also called on them to hold regular meetings to shape the Hardap Region. An annual programme for council meetings should be initiated and councillors must table items that would improve the living standards of the people of Hardap. The governor concluded by assuring the council and staff of her dedication and commitment to lead the region in achieving the development goals of the council. “I prefer to serve you rather that being served by you.” Meanwhile, investigations against the suspended CEO of the Hardap Region James Sankwasa have started in all earnest and a full report is expected soon. Sankwasa has been suspended over a charge of unilaterally removing expensive government property from council premises and storing it at a private farm some 35 km from Mariental. He also faces a series of charges ranging from insubordination to travelling without council approval and granting of scholarship and other training grants without the consent of the council.