
Deputy Minister Paul Smit Stands Accused

Home Archived Deputy Minister Paul Smit Stands Accused

Allow me a space in your popular newspaper to comment on the imminent closure and layoff of workers at the Karas Abattoir and Tannery, just outside Keetmanshoop. As a resident of Tseib-laagte, I really feel aggrieved that so many people will eventually lose their jobs and go onto the streets. We tend to forget that the whole idea was brought about by the Karas Regional Council to empower and assist communal farmers in the slaughtering of ostriches. We are told that the abattoir will close down its doors and be taken over by some other people. Taking into consideration all these facts one wonders the motive behind this. Various concerns have already been raised with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry to no avail. It seems that the whole problem lies with this ministry. First of all the Deputy Minister Paul Smit is the one behind the scenes promoting the interest of the white commercial farmers to take over the abattoir, just to destroy the very life-line of the black communal farmers in collaboration with … Frikkie Mouton. Secondly, the Permanent Secretary in that Ministry Simon Kahijoro Kahuure is so incompetent to advise the minister accordingly. This allows the deputy minister to manoeuvre and provide false and distorted facts and figures to the minister and Cabinet. If our Government’s policy of BEE is still alive why do we allow these things to happen? Do we want this project to go down the drain like all other projects, just to be taken over by others? This situation demands immediate remedial action to be taken. I will further not be convinced that the N$28 million Government has invested in the venture should go down the drain again. Is it not time to take some of these government well paid officials to account for these losses, including the whole management of the GIPF. Please advise. Truly Yours Willem Rooinasie Tseiblaagte Keetmanshoop