
Free Clown Services

Home Archived Free Clown Services

‘Clown One One’ are the emergency laughter paramedics who you call in times of need! The fun office of the ‘Clown One One’ will send out the professionally trained care clowns to save you when joy is scarce! And since joy has no price… why should the care clowns of ‘Clown One One’ ask for fees… They come for free! This exciting new project is brought to you by Avalon Event. This is Avalon’s way of giving back to the community and to help uplift our society. The project is aimed at spreading joy to those in need. The visits could be at orphanages, old-age homes, kindergartens, hospitals, etc. Please note that you do not have to pay anything! The professional clowns visit you for free. Only criteria: you should prove that your organisation/group is in need! What is in it for Avalon Event, you might ask… answer… your smile! If you are in need of the laughter brigade, contact Frank at 081 277 4212