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It’s Ladies Night! Neville Basson Once again we would just like to say happy birthday to “Aboetie Hage” on his 65th birthday. Some of us are just dreaming to reach the milestones that you have achieved thus far in your life. We by all means hail you as a true son of the soil! May God bless you and keep you safe – just don’t ask for your old job back, that we can’t do for you! I was driving with a friend of mine the other day in my car around 08h30 in the morning to a business meeting. That is the time normally that every sane Namibian from the townships will be listening to Fanie and Mario! Now you see these two are really giving me and Lazarus a run for our money! As a comedian it’s honestly very difficult for anybody to make me really laugh out of my stomach, but some nonsense these two sometimes talk in the morning can really make me burst out laughing quite loud in my car driving to work. I was driving with a white guy who just cant seem to understand that I am not listening to Radio Wave! He keeps on insisting that Wave plays good music … hallo? I’m from Katutura, there’s no way that they would remotely consider playing Phura on radio Wave now would they, huh? Then Mario started talking about something … uh, well, I think it had to do with mommy’s night. Henk: “Bliksem Neville, what the hell is mommy’s night?” I said: “Uh, OK, do you honestly wanna tell me you have no idea what mommy’s night is, huh?” Henk: “Nee man, how will I know what that means, does it have something to do with my mother or what?” I said: “Well Henk, not exactly, okay?” Henk: “Man, se die ding soos hy is man! What does it mean?” I said: “You see Henk, that’s why you don’t have the country anymore because you refused to follow all the code names that we have for objects or days or anything for that matter. If you learnt properly what these words mean you would have known when Swapo attacked you bases during the war … maar nee, julle wil mos nie leer nie!” Mommy’s night is a very old school word that was probably originated by all the pimps, botsotsos in “Ou lokasie”. Wednesdays are considered “Klein Saterdag” (mini Saturday) in the townships. This is the time that people wanna have a taste of what the weekend offers, so they go out on a Wednesday night. The women at the nightclubs normally don’t pay a cent on entrance fee (very unfair!). That was basically to attract all the men with money to the clubs to come and buy these broke women drinks. Always difficult to try and explain to a brother that after spending some money on this lady she just might “dodge” you! Henk: “Huh? You mean the women don’t pay a cent to enter?” I said: “Ja my maat, these broke women attract men to the clubs like a bee to honey! With all the women in the club men can then sit back and pick and choose who he wants to buy a drink or two for.” Henk: “Kyk nee … I am finished with Kiepies and all these other clubs where my people normally go to … next week I am going with you Neville to the nearest night club where you people (huh? You people?) go to!” I said: “Henk, I don’t think where we go you will find any chicken bones where we go, we like our coffee black … sometimes with a little cream to it! Ha! Ha! ha! Besides Henk, I don’t go to night clubs … maybe once a year.” So people please, if there’s someone out there who would like to help out a white guy on mommy’s night, please give me a call and teach him properrrrrlyyy what a Wednesday night in Katutura is all about! Mbye mbye!