
The Creative Side of the Struggle

Home Archived The Creative Side of the Struggle

By Frederick Philander WINDHOEK LAST Saturday the philosophical thinking and human side of the ruling party as a military factor during the liberation struggle was slightly revealed during a public intellectual encounter. Namibian poet, Mvula Nangolo, was as selected author at the Book Den questioned about his creative career as a poet, newspaper reporter and a radio announcer by Helen Vale of the English Department at the University of Namibia. The Book Den and Ingrid Demasius Publications should be applauded for this once a month event introducing Namibian writers to the public. “We for instance would never have military attacked soft targets such as Windhoek High School, killing the innocent. It was not part of our military philosophy. As a military force we primarily went for those who defended the colonial status quo at the time such as soldiers and the police,” writer and poet Mvula Nangolo said at one stage during the 20-minute interview over a public address system. Mvula spoke on various aspects of his career. “Many of my past innate feelings of sentimentality, love and fear are directly reflected in my published works,” said the man who is generally known as an accomplished poet with a number of publications to his credit. Thoughts from Exile is but one of his work written outside the boarders of this country. A handful of interested people attended the interesting monthly intellectual event, which features author dr. John Mendleson, a renown nature conservationist in October.