
Sensitivity of Women in Art Works

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By Frederick Philander WINDHOEK A solo exhi-bition titled ‘The Divine Feminine’ by Sigi Kolbe was officially opened last weekend and will run until the end of this month. This is the fourth solo exhibition by Sigi, a Namibian-born artist who has worked in different media over the years, experimenting in particular with Charcoal and Pastels in some of her major portrait works. Sigi paints almost all subjects, from landscapes to still life, but her prime interest will remain the human figure. Her art can be described as expressionistic and realistic. Sigi works for commissions and has worked in private collections worldwide including work in corporate collections in South Africa. “Revealing the Divine Feminine is the unifying theme of my 4th exhibition. In all women, irrespective of age, culture, race or other external influences, lies the divine feminine. I have used my art to acknowledge and explore this common thread in different women, concentrating on the female form and face,” the artist said in an Art/Life interview. According to her, the background to the title revolves around the dynamic equilibrium between masculine and feminine. “Contemporary Western history has been marked by the domination of masculine values and vision – action, logic, profitability, control and the tendency to objectify the world. “In order to confront the consequences of this imbalance, more and more people are turning toward qualities associated with the feminine – welcoming, listening, receptivity, depth, intuition, connectedness and, of course, the body and a relationship with our Mother, Earth,” she asserted. In the paintings published today, Sigi said she tried to capture that ‘special something’ that celebrates a woman’s femininity, beatific magic, wonder and grace.