
Short Story Competition

Home Archived Short Story Competition

By Frederick Philander WINDHOEK PSST … So, you have always wanted to write that unique and authentic Namibian Christmas short story? This is your chance to write it, have it published in Art/Life and on top of it receive payment for your published work. Keep in mind, procrastination is the thief of time. Sit down and write right now. All submitted stories will be judged for their literature value. The three best 500-word stories will be published in the last edition of Art/Life 2006 on Friday 22 December. The preferred language use is English. The deadline for submissions is Monday 18 December. Join in the fun and show your literary creative prowess to the nation. Entry conditions: no employee or their families in the service of New Era Corporation may participate, the judges’ decisions will be final and entries need to be mailed to: freddy@newera.com.na not later than 10h00 on Monday 18 December. Enjoy the write.