
Band Winds Up Year’s Activities

Home Archived Band Winds Up Year’s Activities

By Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro KAPPS FARM Namibia’s best Oviritje genre piece as per the Sanlam-NBC Music Awards, Ongoronomundu, wounded up the year at a free-for-all music bash-cum-awards dinner at the hotel here about 20 kilometres east of Windhoek. Hundreds of the group’s fans, and Oviritje genre lovers in general, were treated to five-star entertainment by one of the country’s top Oviritje bands, Tjitjekura Tjeriyama, led by its eccentric lead vocalist, Muravaere Kaaronda. Except for a brief appearance by Ongoronomundu on popular demand by the fans, the group was confined to the head table as the host of honour. It was the group’s awards occasion. Entertaining the fans was thus left to Tjitjekura appearing as the guest for the evening. And they did not disappoint proving why they are one of the much-sought-after groups in this music league in Namibia. Incidentally Tjitjekura is the winner of this year’s McLee Music Concert in the Oviritje genre held in Otjiwarongo early this year. One of its popular songs is Otjiharaova (Spade). The group particularly captivated the crowd with their dancing routines placing this genre of music in a class of its own that is not easy to imitate. Instead of the crowd joining in the dancing it found itself for the good part of the night gazing at the mesmerising dancing steps of the group.