
Declaration of Intent by NETA

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Purpose: This is a proposal seeking support for the establishment of a Teachers’ Association in Namibia called Namibian English Teachers’ Association, with the composition and terms of reference to be submitted later. Background: Knowledge explosion and instructional revolution has contributed to a period of enormous expansion in the teaching of English as a second or foreign language all over the world. This is an expansion which has been felt in every aspect of professional and organizational activity. English Language Teachers often complain that theorists do not understand the constraints that define classroom practice and that policy-makers, textbook-writers and the inevitable examinations at the end of the teaching term determine the degree of innovation allowed in a language classroom. While all of these are real concerns, they remain a part of the collective unconscious, as it were, hardly ever translated into a proactive programme for a change. Now, more than ever, there is an urgent need to share ideas on a common platform with regards to teaching English. As a part of this endeavour, it is proposed to start an English Teachers’ Association in Namibia. A teachers’ association will bring together all practitioners of English to share common problems, issues and concerns. At the moment there is no functional English Teachers’ Association in Namibia. Objectives: The main objectives of the association will be: 1. to raise awareness about English Language Teaching issues in Namibia; 2. to identify key issues that need addressing within a regional framework and then within a broader all-SADC perspective; 3. to discuss manageable and realistic channels to exchange information and best practices; 4. to agree on optimal and realistic numbers of ‘active members’; 5. to prepare a common agenda of priorities for Namibia. The Teachers’ Association will essentially be the start of an effective networking, project activities and greater and more meaningful co-operation among key players in the field of English Language Teaching in Namibia. The Association will be committed to promoting the sustainable development of English Language Teaching both within and across countries within specified geographical regions. Composition: The Association shall consist of the following members: 1. All English Lecturers at the Polytechnic of Namibia 2. English Lecturers from UNAM 3. English Language Specialists at NIED 4. English Lecturers at Teachers’ Training Colleges and Colleges of Education 5. Primary and Secondary School Teachers in Windhoek and in the Regions 6. All those who are interested in English Language Teaching 7. English Subject aAvisers.