
Money Master Consciousness

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By Frank Tagarira Money Master Consciousness is a way of thinking. A true money master develops the faculties of his/her mind so that they can get anything they want in life. These are people who think outside the box. These are people who challenge society’s ideals and create their own ideals. Money Masters are true wealth creators. The difference between money masters “wealth creators” and the rest of the people is their way of thinking. You will notice I said “rest of the people” not poor people. The reason why I said this is because “rest of the people” is made up of artificially wealthy people and poor people. I don’t think I need to define and explain who poor people are, but maybe you have never heard of the term artificially wealthy people. There is, however, a very thin line between the poor and the artificially wealthy (the new second-class). A lot of authorities are predicting the demise of the second-class and that ultimately there will only be rich and poor people. I also believe in the demise of the current second-class, but I think a new class is being born right before our very own eyes. This class is called the Artificial Wealthy Class. Artificially wealthy people can be hard to differentiate from real wealthy people “true wealth creators” by looks. Artificially wealthy people invest in looks; they drive expensive cars, live in an expensive house, and dress real good (but all this is usually financed by a soaring huge debt somewhere). These people hardly invest in money-making assets and true wealth. Without their credit cards, bank overdraft or monthly pay cheque they might possibly not make it to the next month. These people usually love to show off because in their understanding they have to “show” how much they can afford. Most of these people often have sleepless nights thinking how they can repay their soaring debts. These people can afford to borrow money but usually invest it in looks instead of real economic wealth-building activities. They spend their lives trying to look like real wealthy people, and when they die they often leave nothing but debts. These people are not masters of money but slaves of money. Real wealthy people invest in their dreams and in the process they accumulate massive material possessions and resources. These people understand that it takes time and patience to build true wealth. They can lose all their wealth, but they will get it back because they know how to create wealth. One man once asked Henry Ford what he would do if he lost all his fortune, and Mr Ford replied by saying that he would get all his fortune back within a few years. Mr Henry Ford was indeed one of America’s wealthiest men, and this man had little formal education at all. Mr Ford was, however, a real Money Master, a true wealth creator. From being seemingly a nobody he rose to one of the wealthiest industrialists America had ever seen. To me, Mr Ford was wealthy when he was still seemingly a “nobody” to the rest of the world because he thought differently, he conquered doubt and fear, he developed the faculties of his mind, he was bold enough to follow his dreams and he became one of America’s richest industrialists. True wealth builders think differently. To them success is not measured by material possessions but by their way of thinking. These are the people who see opportunities when the rest of the people see doom and gloom. These are people who understand that the foundation of true wealth begins in the faculties of their minds. Usually truly wealthy people start out without much material possessions. These people dream big and are often scorned by the world until the day their dreams materialize in the visible material form. They will only start driving that expensive SUV and buying that expensive boat once they have earned the right. These are people like Henry Ford, J.D. Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, Richard Branson, Ted Turner, and J.P. Morgan. These people thought differently from the rest of the people. They mastered money; money became their faithful servant. When such people die, they leave a fortune and their wealth is passed on to next generations. Many people are acknowledging the demise of a middle-class society. Many believe that ultimately there will only be rich and poor people. The demise of the middle-class is happening right before our very own eyes, but I believe there will still be three economic classes existing in the world. They will be poor people, artificially wealthy people and true wealthy people. Time is now to decide in which class you will find yourself . If you want to be in the last two classes (the artificial wealthy and the poor) then this book I am writing is not for you. “We all have big dreams, but wealthy people have big dreamgoals.” Money Master Consciousness is about having the right frame of mind about wealth and money. With the right mindset one can become a money master and be extremely wealthy in the process. Many people, when you ask them what they wish to be in life, will tell you they wish to be wealthy or very rich (being wealthy and being rich are different, but that will require a book on its own to cover that subject). Money Masters don’t make money the ultimate end objective of their lives, they know that money will come along in the course of fulfilling their life’s dreamgoals. Bill Gates’ dreamgoal is to make it possible for every household in the world to own and make use of a computer. That’s indeed quite a bold dreamgoal and this gave birth to Microsoft, making him (the Harvard dropout) the wealthiest man in the world. Money Master Consciousness is about having a DREAMGOAL. A dreamgoal is different from a simple dream in that it is a definite, pulsating and burning desire which is action-driven. True Wealth Creators acted on their dreamgoals and became their dreams. Today they live their dreams. – Frank Tagarira is a Business Development Consultant and Business Coach.