
ARTNam invites artists

Home Art Life ARTNam invites artists

WINDHOEK – Artist Revolution Trust Namibia is inviting all artists to a meeting tomorrow  at the Warehouse Theatre at eleven O’clock.


The primary intention of this meeting is to bring a dialog between
artists and supporters. This meeting will cover the experiences of
artists with NASCAM and the National Arts council. The main objective
is to discuss, come up with solutions and engage with and relevant
institutions, event organizers and other stakeholders.


The an organisation has been established and made up of artists, art promoters and art-supporters to develop and nurture the art industry in Namibia unifying
artists voices, developing and promoting of Namibia arts nationally
and internationally. As well as using arts to engage and empower the community.
For many years Namibia has been overlooked, and the time has come for
us to put Namibian arts on the global map through unified efforts.

ART Nam was established in September 2013 after the ‘Shishani &
Friends – Love is The Movement’ concert, which dealt with engaging
artists and audience in community development. After the concert
Shishani called upon fellow artists to gather, discuss and find ways
to develop their situation in the arts industry and create more
engagement from artists into community development. So far Shishani
has been running various meetings with key players in various artistic
fields, and is leading the movement together with Tanya Stroh, Sheena
Schwartz, Kelvin Kamalata, Naita Hishoono and Ernst Herma.